Deep in the Water

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My friend said I should write about mermaids.. Why? Idk.. But so I'm writing about mermaids 😂

Where will you find me?
Well under the sea, of course.
They say that I use to come here so much when I was younger that the water wanted me to stay, forever.

But, it's not all that you would dream it to be.
I forget what it's like to have feet, to walk and feel the sand in my toes.
I forget it all.

Do you know how it feels to eat this, well, crab, everyday.
Do you know what it's like to have no one to say, hey.
It's hard to carry on a conversation with a dolphin, I must say.

You can't feel anything for anyone if there is no one but yourself.
You're alone with your own thoughts.
You have nothing to do but swim, swim, and swim.

The people out there would dream to be a mermaid like me.
But I'd rather be like them, I could still swim, but I could walk again.
I guess we all want what we don't have.

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