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I just need one more drop
Of this burning drink
Till I forget it all
My words are thoughts that
I'd never tell you unless I was
This way so free

I miss everything that used to be
That's why I cheer to me with this
Bottle soon to be empty
I never thought I'd be like this
Only trying to numb my stress

I hate this world I am apart of
Everyone hating everyone
Except for that one someone
But that one someone was took
From me

Falling out of this world completely
I watched in while
The imagine in my head forever
How could he dare leave me
Leave me with a bottle of nothing

A bottle of forgetting
Loss of pain and it feels great
But I'll always wake up to another ache
Reminding me of who
They chose to take

I could rant on and on
Till my body became cold
But that's okay
My eyes are already that way
I'll always see to be blind

What I would do
If I still had you
We'd sing a soft tune
To the words you once knew
I can't forget

Do you know what this is
Love burning through
I'll try to join you again soon
It's hard though they are all watching
But we will meet again soon

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