Hockey Love

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Guess who's baacckk? I figured you guys deserved many more posts. So I'm going to try and give you what you deserve. So here is the first in many to come. Ps... this one is pretty long so if you don't want to read a really long one, you should go to the next one. Seriously, it's over 8,000 words without this. Anyways, hope you enjoy. Loves. -M

Dean griped and complained all week, ever since he'd heard the news that his Hunters were fixing to trade the Angels for Castiel Novak.

"The team was perfect how it was," Dean said to his right wing and brother Sam as they were having lunch one day. "They didn't have to trade for this asshole."

Sam rolled his eyes. "If the team's so perfect, Dean, why haven't we won any championships?" Before Dean could grumble out a retort about being a young team needing time to grow - he might have had something prepared for just this argument - Sam continued, "We haven't got the defense. Victor's out there trying, sure, but he can't do it all himself. Castiel rounds out the team. Hell, I hope they put him on our line."

"Are you kidding me right now?" Dean scoffed, voice boisterous in the quiet diner. The waitress who had been walking to their table with a pitcher of water turned right back around.

Sam watched her and sighed, before turning a grade-A bitch face on his brother. "He's good, Dean. Real good. You know that."

Yeah, Dean knew it. Castiel was a damned good defenseman - too good, really, considering Dean was a center trying to sneak by him all the time. Last year, Castiel poke-checked him so much that Dean finally, after a few choice words about Castiel's mother, threw down the gloves. He had a bruise on his jaw for a full week after. Dean's sure the black eye he gave Castiel lasted longer though. Small victories.

"Besides, Alastair isn't worth his price tag. I wish they could have traded him instead of Samandriel," Sam said, frowning at the mention of their newest ex-teammate. Dean frowned, too. He'd miss Sam, Jr., that's for sure, and didn't much look forward to facing against him on the ice - kid had jetpacks on his skates, seemed like, and was too small to knock off-balance. "Alistair, though," Sam went on. He shook his head. "He doesn't retaliate for you, Dean. I think he likes watching you get hit."

Dean wasn't overly surprised to hear Sam's suspicions. Once he swore he saw Alistair laughing after Dean got boarded. "That why you took a swing at him last week?"

Sam glanced away. "Guy's a real piece of work."

Can't argue with that. "Novak will be just as bad, you wait."

"No way," Sam said, starting to smile again. "He's the most protective defenseman I've ever seen. Did you see the Angels play the Vampirates last night? I thought he was going to take off Benny's head for knocking over Hael." Hael, one of the only female players in the league, had already proved her stuff on more than one occasion. She could throw a punch as well as anyone. She didn't need protecting. "He did the same thing last week when Dick went for Gabriel."

Dean snorted. Sam fixed him a humorless stare. Dean shrugged. "What? Come on, it's funny."

Sam rolled his eyes again, more dramatically than before. The waitress came round again, this time carrying their lunches. She dropped them on the table and then hurried off before Dean could even ask for ketchup for his fries.

Sam picked up a little plastic cup from the side of his dish and poured dressing all over his salad. He didn't look at Dean as he said, "You're reckless, Dean. You always have been. It works out well most times, but I'd just..." He huffed out a breath. "I'd feel a hell of a lot better if you had someone looking out for you."

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