Chapter 12: "Another party"

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Time skip 2 weeks later

Natalie's POV

I'm quite proud of myself. I completed Carter's stupid training, and I have given him the silent treatment for 2 whole weeks. It's been difficult since we sleep in the same bedroom again, but I have prevailed.

I have also become great friends with Madison, Lynn, Avery, and Sabrina. I've learned a lot of interesting things from those girls, like how Cole had 3 older siblings. They don't know what happened to them, but Cole was the baby of his family.

Anyway, right now  Sabrina, Avery, Madison, Lynn, and I are playing Uno on the new coffee table. Since the other one is stained with blood. Oh yeah, and Carter's father still doesn't know who killed Chance. The autopsy just showed that he was shot in the face, and thrown in a river. That's all I've really heard about the situation.

"Natalie!" Avery yells, snapping me out of my trance.

"What?" I ask.

"It's your turn," she laughs.

"Right," I chuckle, and put down a card. Then Avery puts down her last card, and does a little victory dance.

"I win," she chants. Madison glares at her then swipes all the cards on the floor. "Sore loser," Avery smirks, and continues dancing.

"Pick up those cards," AJ demands, as he walks into the room from the hall.

"No," Madison smirks. AJ gives Madison a look, which causes her to smile wide and blush a little. I looked at Sabrina, and she smirked at me.

"Lovebirds," Sabrina whispers to me, earning a giggle from Avery. AJ sits down on the couch, and sighs.

"Carter is calling for a meeting right now so stay in here," he informs. We all nod, and pick up the cards. Soon Carter walks in followed by Kent, Kai, and Cole. Kent and Kai sit on the couch with AJ, while Cole sits back in the big recliner. Carter stands in front of the fire place, and looks at all of us.

"My mother is hosting another dinner party thing," Carter sighs,"And we all have to go." Everyone groans.

"Another party," Kent whines, earning a chuckle from Avery.

 "I know," Carter groans,"I tried to get us out of it but I couldn't." 

"When is it?" Madison asks.

"In 10 minutes," Carter smirks,"So everyone go dress in something nice." We all groaned again then, went off to our rooms to get changed. Carter followed me into our bedroom, and closed the door behind us.

"Natalie," Carter sighs. I stayed silent. I walked over to the closet and pulled out a long black strapless dress. I quickly went into the bathroom, and put it on. When I came out Carter was dressed in a tight black button up with a gray tie, and some dark jeans. Along with his already intimidating outfit he added some black combat boots. Why does he have to be so hot?

I snapped out of my trance, and grabbed some black pumps from my side of the closet. I slipped them on then walked into the bathroom to do my make up. As I was finishing up my make up Carter walked in.

"Natalie," he sighed, and looked at me through the mirror. I looked down at the sink, and stayed silent. "Look," he began,"I know what I did to you was wrong, but when you break my rules there are consequences." Silence engulfed the room for a few minutes before he spoke up.

"I'm no master at sentimental apologies but," he paused, and slipped a box under my hand."I don't just buy any girl diamonds," he whispered in my ear, and left. I opened the box, and saw a diamond drop necklace. This has to be the prettiest thing I've ever owned. I put the necklace on, and it complimented my dress perfectly.

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