Natalie's POV
My eyes fluttered open, and my vision was blurry. After a few minutes my vision cleared, and I'm in a jail cell. My hands are cuffed behind my back, and I'm laying on a sad excuse for a bed.
"Natalie,"a voice calls out from the cell across from me. I stand up and walk to the door of the cell, when I look across from me I see Avery.
"Oh thank god your alive,"I sighed in relief.
"We all are," she announced.
"Is Carter okay?" I asked.
"I'm fine Nat," Carter blurted from a cell.
"Where are you?" I asked, and tried to look down the row of cells.
"I'm a few cells down," he stated. Then it hit me. My baby!!
"Where's Kayden?" I panicked.
"Don't worry Natalie," Clark chuckles, and walks in front of my cell. In his hand is Kayden's car seat, with my angel in it. "We were just getting acquainted," he chuckled.
"You hurt a hair on his head, and I'll cut your balls of,"I threatened. Clark just chuckled, and set Kayden down in front of my cell. I wanted to reach for him, but my hands are cuffed.
I looked at Clark, and he walked to the cell next to me.
"Don't look so mad little brother," Clark laughed,"You'll be out soon."
"I swear to god Clark," Cole growled,"If you do anything I'l-"
"You'll what?" Clark smirked,"You'll kill me? Cole you can't kill me."
"Oh really," Cole challenged,"How much you wanna bet?"
"You see Cole," Clark paused,"You can't kill me because....well we're family."
"I am not related to you," Cole growled.
"Oh yes you are," Clark smirked,"We're a family of killers."
"Mom wasn't a killer, dad isn't a killer, Jameson wasn't a killer, and Jane isn't a killer either," Cole stated.
"But we are Cole," Clark growled,"We kill for the thrill. We don't care about feelings, or anyone else."
"You cared about Jessica," Cole stated.
"Not anymore," Clark huffed.
"Well I care about people," Cole admitted.
Clark laughed,"Oh really? Who?"
"I care about my gang," Cole announced,"That gang includes my brothers, my sisters, and that little baby right there. What I don't care about is you." Awww that's so sweet. Clark seemed awfully p!ssed by Cole's answer.
The next thing Clark did surprised me. He pulled out his gun, and shot Cole. I heard a loud thud, and screams mostly from us girls.
"Cole!!" Carter yelled. Tears flooded my eyes, and I fell to my knees. Clark stormed out of the room, and I could here banging against the metal bars.
"Cole," Kai yelled. I didn't hear anything from the cell next to me. Please don't be dead.
"Cole stay with us!!" Kent shouted.
"Cole answer us!!" Carter yelled.
"Cole come on," AJ boomed,"You can't quit on us." More tears flooded from my eyes as, the guys tried to get Cole to answer.
With all of this chaos, I didn't notice that Kayden had started crying. I scooted closer to Kayden, and tried to calm him down.
"Everything is going to be okay Kayden," I cried,"Please stop crying." Kayden continued to wail, when Carter spoke up.
"Kayden you're going to be okay, calm down son," Carter announced. I could hear the shakiness in Carter's voice, and I could tell he was crying.
At the sound of Carter's voice, Kayden's crying had died down. I can't believe Clark shot Cole. Just as all of the yelling had quieted down, Clark came back in with some "friends".
I heard a jail cell being opened, and by the grunts and shouting I knew it was Carter. Clark came up to my cell, and open it. He roughly pulled me up, and dragged me out of the cell. I was thrown to the ground, and I slowly sat up. I was held in place by one of Clark's goons, so I couldn't escape.
Carter was on his knees next to Kayden, while Clark and his goons stood behind them. Clark pulled out his gun, and looked at me.
"Since I am a man of good faith, and I like you Natalie," he began,"I'm going to make you choose, who gets to live. The one you don't pick gets to die. So, what's it going to be? Your baby or......whatever Carter is to you. "
"You can't make me choose,"I choked.
"Oh I can," Clark smirked,"You have to decide in 30 seconds or I'll choose for you."
"Please," I begged,"You can't do this."
"20 seconds," Clark announced. I looked at Carter, and he looked at me with saddened eyes.
"Natalie," Carter sighed,"Pick Kayden his life is just starting. I'll take a bullet for Kayden any day."
"But I love you," I cried.
"I love you too Natalie, but you have to choose,"Carter sighed.
"10 seconds,"Clark interrupted. More tears fell from my eyes, before I spoke.
"Kill me," I sighed. Carter's eyes widened.
"Sorry that's not an option," Clark stated.
"Kill me," Carter blurted.
"Okay," Clark smiled, and took the safety off of his gun.
"Wait," Carter interrupted.
"What?" Clark sighed.
"I'd like to ask Natalie a question before I die," Carter spoke. Clark nodded, and Carter looked at me. "Will you marry me?" Carter asked.
"Yes," I cried.
"When you get home," Carter began,"There's a ring box in my top drawer...I love you Natalie."
"I love you too Carter," I cried.
Clark rolled his eyes,"Ready?"
"Ready?" Carter sighed.
"No! Please don't," I cried.
Carter put his head down, and Clark pulled the trigger.
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost cried while writing this chapter, I feel terrible...... I just can't believe they're gone.
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Sold To The Gang Leader
RomanceNatalie Chambers didn't know about her father's gang, that is until he sold her. What Natalie didn't know is that he sold her to, one of the most dangerous gang leaders around. Carter Grayson. {PLEASE DO NOT STEAL MY IDEAS} Achievements #12 in Roma...