Natalie's POV
I bet you're wondering how in the h*ll, am I going to find Clark. Well Clark is going to come to me.
I drove to outskirts of town just to use an old payphone. Once I found the payphone I got out of the car, put some change in the phone, and dialed Violet's number. She picked up on the 3rd ring.
"Hello?" she yawned.
"Violet," I sighed.
"Natalie? Why are you calling me on a blocked number?" she asked.
"Carter's dead," I paused,"And so is Cole. Just thought I'd let you know." Tears ran down my cheeks, but I quickly wiped them away.
"You're lying," Violet whispered.
"I wish I was," I cried,"I've got to go Violet." With that said I hung up, and got back into my car. I did a U-turn, and drove toward the prison where Clark killed Carter and Cole.
Surprisingly, just as I hoped would happen a car started following me. It's gotta be Clark. I kept driving, until I finally reached the prison. I zipped up my duffle bag with my weapons in, and I walked inside.
As I walked inside I noticed that it had started to snow. Well.....It is December, and Christmas is just like 2-3 weeks away. I could here footsteps behind me but I kept walking. I stood in the middle of the prison, and looked around. It was dark, cold, and creepy. Just like an abandon prison should be.
"You shouldn't be here by yourself," Clark's voice boomed. I turned towards him, and sat my duffle bag on the ground.
"You came," I sighed,"How'd you find me?"
"I keep tabs on you Natalie," Clark admitted, and walked towards me.
"Well I'd like to be alone so," I trailed off. Clark stood in front of me, and stroked my hair. This creep has some dam nerve.
"You're so beautiful," he smiled. I smacked his hand away, and glared at him.
"You must be out of your dam mind, if you think I'm going to stand here and let you touch me," I growled.
"Are you still mad about the whole Carter and Cole thing?" he chuckled,"That happened like 2 hours ago." I punched him square in the face, and he fell backward onto his butt.
"I will be p!ssed about it forever," I yelled, and kicked him in the stomach.
"Calm down Natalie," he coughed.
"I am calm!" I yelled, and kicked him again. I quickly walked over to my bag, and unzipped it grabbing my baseball bat. Clark had just stood up, and tried to understand what was going on.
I came at him with the bat, and but he dodged me.
"I don't want to hurt you Natalie," he admitted.
"Well if you want to live you're gonna have to," I growled, and swung the bat again. It was successful this time because he fell to the ground, and held his shin.
I kept swinging the bat at him, as he begged me to stop. He must have had enough because, he kicked my feet out from under me, and I fell to my back.
He quickly pinned me down to the ground, but I kept fighting in order to get free. The chances of me getting out of his grasp was slim, so I devised another plan.
"Stop fighting me," he yelled. I stop fighting, and looked him in the eye. I picked my head up off the floor a bit, and leaned in.
"Kiss me," I whispered. Being the fool he is Clark leaned in and we locked lips. Carter is a much better kisser.
As we kissed his hands slid fro my wrist to my waist. Sucker. With my hands free I quickly hit hi in the neck, then kicked him off of me. I pulled my gun out from the holster in the back of my pants, and pointed it at him.
"Did you really think I'd want to kiss an a*shole like you?" I chuckled. He looked at me, and his eyes widened, but then he smirked.
"You can't shoot me," He laughed,"You don't have the guts."
"You obviously don't know me then," I stated, and shot him in the shoulder. He yelled in pain, and I shot him again, this time in the forehead. His cries were silenced.
"That's for Carter," I yelled, and picked up the ax. I raised the ax then brought it down. His head severed from his body, and blood splattered.
"And that's for Cole," I sniffled. When I took a look at my work I threw up. It's not a very pretty sight. After I wiped my mouth I gathered my stuff, and walked out of the prison.
I got in my car, and put my head in my hands. You did it Nat. I glanced at the blood spattered bag next to, and grabbed the walkie talkie.
"AJ," I said into the walkie talkie.
"Natalie are you okay?" he asked.
"I'm coming home," I replied.
"Did you kill him?" he questioned.
"Yes," I sighed, and put the radio away.
Clark's dead!!! Oh happy days!!!! You go Natalie!!! Okay so the next chapter will take place on Christmas day, just letting you know.
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Sold To The Gang Leader
RomanceNatalie Chambers didn't know about her father's gang, that is until he sold her. What Natalie didn't know is that he sold her to, one of the most dangerous gang leaders around. Carter Grayson. {PLEASE DO NOT STEAL MY IDEAS} Achievements #12 in Roma...