Natalie's POV
The snowball fight ended......with injuries. Kent needed stitches, and Cole tore his stitches open.
"Cole would you take it easy on Kent," Avery sighed. Cole was laying down on the couch shirtless, as Lynn stitched him up.
"Yeah,"Kent agreed, as Kai put stitches in his arm.
"Well next time you won't throw snow at me will you?," Cole glared at Kent. Lynn finished up Cole's stitches, and put gauze over it.
"Oh I will I'll just be smart about it next time," Kent smiled.
"Knock it off," Carter chuckled.
"Why are you so grumpy Cole?"AJ asked,"Do you need to get laid?" Cole rolled his eyes, and put his shirt back on.
"What are you talking about this is me being happy," Cole frowned, and walked into the kitchen.
"Guys Cole has been through a lot give him a break," I sighed, and sat on the couch.
"Yeah he's lost his brother, mother, his father's god knows where, his sister is in Alaska, and his other brother tried to kill him," Carter stated.
"Yeah," Cole agreed, as he came back into the living room,"And when I get my hands on him, I'll be the only living Chancellor boy left." My eyes widened at Cole's statement. He doesn't know? How is he going to react when he finds out that I killed Clark?
"You already are," Kent stated.
"What?" Cole and Carter asked in unison.
"You guys don't know?" Kent questioned.
"Know what?" Carter asked.
"I'm gonna go check on Kayden," I announced, and got up from the couch. I put Kayden down for a nap in one of the bedrooms, so I guess I knew I needed an excuse to leave the room.
I walked into the bedroom, and cracked the door so I could here the conversation.
"So what is that we don't know?" Cole asked.
"Ummm," Kent paused,"Nothing." I heard movement then a loud crash. "Oww," Kent yelled.
"Tell me," Cole yelled.
"Okay, okay, Natalie killed Clark," Kent admitted.
"Natalie did what?!" Carter yelled.
"She killed him," AJ clarified. I heard footsteps, and in panic I hid under the bed. I heard the door open, and footsteps storm in.
"Where'd she go?" Cole asked.
"She's under the bed," Carter stated. What!?! How did he know?
The covers lifted from both sides of me, Carter was on one side, and Cole was on the other.
"Hey," I smiled.
"Come here you," Carter growled, and pulled me out from under the bed.
"AJ let me do it," I panicked,"He didn't try to stop me." Carter dragged me out of the room, and Cole was right behind him. He put me on the couch, and they stood in front of me.
I feel like a kid who just got in trouble, and is now getting scolded by their parents.
"Now before we blow this out of proportion," I began,"Lets keep in mind that I thought you two were dead."
"We're you alone?" Carter glared.
"No," I admitted,"I had the beheading ax with me, and a baseball bat." Carter and Cole glared at me, while Kent, AJ, and Kai laughed.
"Natalie,"Carter warned.
"Yes I went alone," I huffed,"I was mad and I wanted revenge, so I shot him then cutoff his head."
"I was suppose to do that," Cole growled.
"Well I beat you to it," I glared. Calm down Natalie....Cole can still kill you.
"Just," Carter paused,"Be careful next time."
"Wow that's all?" I gaped,"I was expecting so much more."
"So was I," Cole admitted, and looked at Carter.
"I'm proud yet p!ssed at the same time but," Carter explained,"She took a big problem off our hands." Everyone nodded and I smiled. Go me!!
A few hours had passed, and we were all watching Kai, AJ, Kent, and Carter play Halo. Kayden had woken up from his nap, and was now being bounced by Cole.
"Cole," I began,"You need a girlfriend."
He glared at me, then sighed,"Why do guys keep bringing that up?"
"Because it's true," Avery admitted.
Cole sighed,"I have dated before, and all of the girls are so...clingy and whiny."
"That's why you keep looking," I encouraged.
"But I'm not that appealing to women," Cole sighed.
"Cole there are hundreds of girls out there waiting for you to give them you're attention," I stated.
"Yeah," Sabrina smiled,"A lot of girls would volunteer to have a piece of you." Everyone gave Sabrina a weird look, and she shrugged.
"We'll see," Cole sighed, as Kayden grabbed at his hair.
As I watched Kayden, and thought about the gang I wondered if maybe we should leave the gang in the past. I mean life would be a lot safer for Kayden, but Carter has tried so hard to get the gang where it is. We'll just have to see.
Okay so by the looks of it, it looks like I might do a sequel.....maybe here are the possible Sequel or New book prompts. Comment your favorite.
Sequel- Takes place 16 years later. The gang is in the past, and they all have normal jobs. Until one day Carter gets a letter, from a friend that asks for help. Everyone is then dragged back into the gang, and stuff happens.
Another Idea for a sequel- Takes place 6 years later. The gang has gotten stronger, but it gets harder to keep the gang life away from their kids.
Or ...
New book- (Since I love Carter and his gang I really want to use the characters again, but this time without the girls and Natalie, and with different names. If you don't like this idea please let me know in the comments section) Sasha is in a group of three called The Slayers. They are the best assassins around, and they get hired to take down Grayson Prichard (Subject to change), and his gang. But what happens when these ruthless assassins fall for The Savage Phantoms?
I might do both but it all depends on you guys.
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Sold To The Gang Leader
RomanceNatalie Chambers didn't know about her father's gang, that is until he sold her. What Natalie didn't know is that he sold her to, one of the most dangerous gang leaders around. Carter Grayson. {PLEASE DO NOT STEAL MY IDEAS} Achievements #12 in Roma...