chapter 10 Chelsea ( reader )

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Oh, I was so thrilled that Adolin was with me walking towards the shopping sector. He was talking to his spren. I just couldn't belive it. When we walked past a corner, a tall woman in a lab coat held me on the shoulder.

" Chelsea, what have you done!" She exclaimed, her eyes were wide.

"What, I've done nothing. Who are you anyway?" I said.

What is this mad woman talking about?

" My name's not important. Send him back." She said pointing to Adolin who stood there calmly. " The consequences will be to horrible to talk about if you don't!"

I pushed through her and said "I'm sorry, but isn't he from here?"

I walked away and noticed in the corner of my eye that Adolin gave her a glance of suspicion.

Who was that lady. Maybe it was a world-hopper. Ohhhhh, Chelsea really wanted to meet a world-hopper. She must've known so many stories from various places. Ok, she should now stay focused because getting to the shopping sector of the place would be hard when there were powerful leaders within the compound.

Adolin kept silent for the larger part of the walk, but he suddenly blurted "No, Voidbringers are the Parshendi. Why doesn't a spren know this. I mean, you're all neutral and stuff....."

When people started giving him glances of disapproval, he shut up. Chelsea shook her head and thought, this is what you get when you're a fan-girl of a fantasy book that was not supposed to become a reality, but in some strange way, it did.

When they walked through the scanners, a blond girl pushed Chelsea aside.

" Hey, watch where you're going. " Chelsea shouted.

Maybe she didn't hear it, or she didn't care, but that was not an acceptable reason to push reandom people aside. A few seconds later, when Chelsea got up, some people with cameras on their neck ran through the scanners with great speed. Chelsea put her back on the wall to avoid being squished.

When the crowd was gone, she noticed that Adolin had gone missing. The first option that ran throught her mind was to shout Adolin's name as dramatically and as loudly as possible, but she crossed out that option because it would make her look like a fool. Instead she kept walking and found a figure faintly glowing blue. It was almost invisible, but if you know what you're looking for then, you could see it.

Unfortunately, Adolin was within a thick crowd in the middle of a narrow street lined with 3 to 6 story shops and shopping departments.

What a great way to exploit rich folk's time and money.Chelsea thought to herself.

Chelsea glanced in the direction of the alleyway on her right. She spotted a fire escape ladder. An idea popped up, but it would be hard and very noticable. She had no better idea so she went with it.

Chelsea walked casually to the fire escape and pulled down the ladder. It slid easily which was good. She climbed up the piece of metal, and soon she was on top of a 4 story building staring down at a tight crowd.

Chelsea ran and when she was at the end of the first rooftop, she jumped. She landed on the roof of a 3 story building. She could feel a sharp pain in her legs, but decided to ignore it. She ran and leaped with all her might to the 4 story building in front of her. Her jump fell short. She fell on a balcony and startled a few shoppers.

Ignoring the screams and cries of the shoppers, she ran across the floor, weaving through clothing racks and startled shoppers. She muttered apologies under her breath but she'd still be in big trouble when she returned.

Chelsea stopped in front of a window. She swung open the panes and jumped through. Luckily, the fall was only a foot or so, but it did not hurt any less. She grunted from the pain, but continued running. The only thought in her mind was to make sure Adolin returned and continued the story ( so the author will create more books ) and to keep running.

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