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They push me, and push me, and push me. But I'm not moving. Hell no. No one is getting this Maddy on a plane. I don't care if it's a frigging 737, one of the safest planes in the world, I AIN'T GETTING ON IT.

"Goddamit Maddy, get on the plane!" My blond haired friend Ellie pushs me.

"Fuck no." I say, not losing my grip on the door.

"Jesus christ." My dark brown haired friend Suki mutters, while Alexis, with her curly black hair bouncing, spins around in a circle and ocasionally jumps, bored out of her mind. She gave up trying to get me in only a few minutes ago.

"Shut up, Suki! I ain't moving." I snap.

"I'll get Equius~!" Suki says, light grey eyes glinting evily. The thought of his sweaty hands on my back,soaking through my layers of clothing until it touches my back is enough to get me to move.

"Fuck you." I mutter, stepping inside. I feel unsafe already, and I get nervous, and I can feel the sweat forming on my forehead. I'm even at my seat yet, and I know I'm about to start hyperventilating. 

I look around, seeing who was here. It was nice to know that out of the 110 passengers on this flight, 25 of them,including me, are people I know.

I make my way towards the back, where I'm sitting in between John (I like to call him Metro, because 1. he hates his name, and 2, with John Egbert always hanging around us, it's gets confusing), and Sollux.

Once at the last few aisles, I climb over Sol and sit down. I do up my seatbelt as tight as I can and grab on to their arms tightly. Sollux laughs, and I look at him, glaring.

"What's so funny?" I ask, although I already know the answer.

"You. You're overreacting." He replies.

"Says the man who overreacted when Eridan kissed him." I retort. He shuts up.

Yes, Eridan and Sollux are together, Gamzee and Tavros, and Dave and Dirk (A/N: ;P). How it happened? Well, that's a Maddy story for another time. How everybody got here? Well, it all starts with glue, apple juice, and a computer.

I'll leave it at that.

The flight attedents do their weird in case of imergency shit, and I listen carefully. I don't want to miss a thing, just in case the worst happens. You never know. They start the french part it, so I tune them out. Instead I start picking at Metro's blond hair. His green eyes look at me briefly, before he looks past Sollux and at John, who is sitting in the other aisle in the seat closet to us. John grins, and Metro smiles slightly.

I ship it so hard. I shall name the ship JJ. and JJ will be my OTP, and I will talk with Nepeta about it, and we will squeal, and, and....

Holy crap I'm losing it.

"Karkat!" I say as the plane starts speeding down the runway... Oh. That's why I'm freaking out...

"What?" He asks, looking over his shoulder, trying to get a look at me. Luckily, these seats aren't very high.

"I'm going insane." I tell him. He sighs but there is a hint of a smile on his face.

Okay, he has got to do that more often. It's incredibly sexy.

"You'll be motherfucking fine, madbro." Gamzee says beside Karkat, and I burst out laughing at the nickname. Sollux is biting his lip trying not to laugh, and Metro is giggling like a mad man. Luckily no one can really see me since I'm doubled over.

A beep makes me jump.

"Relax, it was only the seatbelt sign thing," Karkat reassures me.

"You know, you should switch seats with Sol before I open an emergency door and jump out in the middle of the flight," I tell him. Karkat looks over at his best friend, who nods, then they switch. I take Karkat's hand immediately. He looks at me, smiling, then kisses my forehead.

Yep, we're both losing it.

The next hour passes in a blur. All 26 of us somehow managed to say hi to each other, something we were unable to do before boarding. I even got to see some Stridercest kisses. I was delighted, but Suki on the other hand... Eh, not so much.

Metro is telling a story about some thing he and Alexis did, then the plane's nose goes down. I mean down. We're in a nose dive.

I clutch onto Karkat's hand like it's the end of the world.

"It's going to be fine. We'll get out of this safely. We're not going to crash." He tells me, but we both know it's a lie.

"This is what happens when you put me on a plane!" I yell, and a few moments later, the plane slams into a forest, breaking apart on impact.


Holy crap.

I'm sure what to say about this XD I'm proud though, very proud. Thanks to DreamIce for providing the information about the plane :D

What happens when you put me on a plane. (homestuck AU fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now