chapter 3: It Ain't A Fanfic Without Some Fluff.

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this is late XD like super late. I have a reason though! I went to Texas to try to find Dave and Dirk :D The mission was unsuccessful. :(


"God, fucking damnit, Alexis!" (A/N: see what I did there? XD) I yell. "What the hell is wrong with you? I clearly told you not to do this, but you goddamn fucking do! You're making me flip my shit again! FUCK!"

"Well, that's your problem, not mine..." She answers.

"Fudgecakes! GAH! I'm going insane again! You mothershitter flyswatter!" I shout. Alexis raises her eyebrow at my weird name calling, but I'm too pissed to care anymore. Sollux is an important person to Karkat, so he's an important person to me. That, and, I need him so we can hack Suki's wattpad and mess around on it like weird fuckers.

"uh... I challenge you to a pokemon battle!" Alexis says. I assume she just said the first thing that comes to the weird perverted brain of hers that somehow seemed to have transfered some of it's pervertedness to mine.

"One, you don't even goddamn like Pokemon, and two, Wrong motherassing series, dumbfuck." I reply, getting slightly irrated.

"You said that wrong, it's " wrong motherfucking series, dumbass. " " She corrects.

"Honestly, I couldn't care less at this point," I tell her, and I seem calm now, but I'm just waiting for the rage.

"So, how's it going?" She asks. Heh, heh, rage.

"FUCK YOU!' I scream, tackling Alexis to the ground. I'm about to punch her when Karkat pulls me off of her, his arms restricting mine from rearranging Alexis's features. "You asshole! Let go of me!"

"Stop, Maddy. I know what she did was wrong, and I am VERY pissed off myself, but just, just stop." He whispers in my ear. We found that whenever I resort to violence which is about 2 times each day, whispering calms me down. It's weird, but who said I give a shit?

I take a few calming breathes before I relax in his arms. I close my eyes so I wouldn't have to look at Alexis, who is currently rolling around on the ground, happy that I haven't murdered her yet. YET. I will. One of these days. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe.


Upon hearing a shout of ' fuck you ' from Maddy's mouth, I'm bolting like Sasuke The Hedgehog (something tells me that's not right...), towards the direction of Maddy's angry voice. I look over at Ellie who is... what the hell is she even doing? She's like flipping or some shit like that. I can't believe I actually came with these weirdos in the first place, I mean, I could've stayed with Fef while Sol is gone. Why didn't I think of this sooner? Because Alexis has come with us and I suspected something like this would happen. I'm frigging psychic! ... Okay, Rose told me this was probably going to happen but whatever. (A/N: That is like the longest frigging paragraph I have ever written XD Go Eri!)

As I am running and Ellie is doing her own thing, we come across John and John. Making out. Like shit, it is heated. Does John have a hickey? Holy shit. I feel like Nepeta. These feelings... Oh my god, what's happening to me? They're two frigging guys! With the same name! Making out! And I like it! What the hell! What the fucking hell! I blame Nepeta, Maddy, Suki, Meulin, all the shippers out there! Every single one of them! They are the reason I'm drooling over these guys. It's just... perf. Am I using fangirl slang? Oh my god. Save me. Someone. This isn't right. Should I stop them? No, it's too beautiful.

Okay, I really need Sol right now. I'm losing it.

I grab Egbert by his collar and start dragging him out of John's hold. Once he's out I start bolting again, just in case Metro (as Maddy calls him) gets pissed. He probably will, I mean, even I get pissed when Sollux has to be dragged out of a makeout session. I really miss his lips on mine. And his lisp. And him in general... He's everything I wanted and more. If Alexis steals his fucking virginity, I'm gonna kill her. If Maddy hasn't already done so... Unless Kar is there. But then again, knowing Kar, he'll probably join in on the murder. Or maybe he'd try to stop Maddy? He's not very fond of Alexis, but ever since he met Maddy, he's changed. Rose says she's influencing him in a good way, and he's changing for the better. Although, a lot of us are missing him freaking out at Strider and everyone else he knows, and the silence around the house everyone shares is hard to get used too.

As my curiousity grows, I start to run faster. Ellie has long stopped flipping after finding running is the only way she can now keep up with me, and Egbert has given up trying to keep up and I am now dragging him along. Metro is chasing me, yelling he wasn't done with John, I'm a dead man, and shit like that, but I couldn't care less. Sollux is the most important thing to me now, and his safety has become my top priority. I will not stop running until I find him, even if Metro or it kills me.

We come to a stop at the edge of a clearing. I see Kar with his arms around Maddy, restrainning her from moving. She seemed to be calmed down, so I assume he had done this a few moments after she yelled " fuck you" at possibly Alexis, who is rolling around on the ground. I start to worry as I can't find Sol, but after looking around countless times I see him sitting down at the base of a large tree. Although I'm very tired from all the sprinting I've been doing, I let go of Egbert's collar and I run over to Sollux.

"Eridan?" He says once I reach his side. I kneel down beside him, kiss his forehead gently, then I commence stroking his cheek with my hand.

"Are you okay, Sol?" I ask. I wait his response, but he doesn't answer, but instead hugs me to my surprise. I stare down at him for a moments, before I realize just staring down at him ain't going to magically send him the comfort he needs, and I wrap one arm around him, and with my opposite hand I stroke his hair.

"Shit! Guys, we have to get back! It's getting dark and I want everyone in one fucking spot!" Karkat yells. At this, Sollux pulls back, standing up. He doesn't say a word, and he seems a bit... off. My concern grows, and I stand up immediately after. I kiss his lips, and I keep them on top of his, until he slowly kisses back. It's a light kiss, and I knew he is hesitating. What the hell has Alexis done to him?

"C'mon lovebirds, we ain't got all night." John says. I turn around to face him, glaring.

"says the man who has a hickey on his goddamn neck." I point out, making both the Johns blush. I sigh, turning back to Sol. I pick him up in my arms bridal style, and he doesn't protest like he normally does. Instead, he wraps his arms around my neck and rests his head on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I ask again.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2013 ⏰

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