chapter 2: Sollux and Alexis= POOF!

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Metro's P.O.V.

I can't look at that anymore. AS, or as I like to call it, ASS, can't happen now, because of the stupid british kid making out with her ass right now.

Where the hell is John when you need him?

I look the other way, and, oh my god. Maddy and Karkat. No. Jesus christ. Maddy and her stupid fantasies, screwing around with their brains. How the hell she does it, successfully, is beyond me. I mean, she turned Karkat into a romantic (probably with the help of the fifty billion romcoms he watches), Actually managed to get Sollux and Eridan in a relationship (and the Striders), and more.

I have some crazy ass friends.

"Holy shit. Alexis and Sollux are gone." Eridan says. I look at Maddy, who's actually looking back at me with wide eyes, then to Ellie, who's- what the hell is she even doing? She's just rolling around on the ground. I would join her, but...

"I hope Alexis isn't trying to seduce him again." I mumble.

"Again? What thehell do you mean again?" Maddy shouts. A look of horror is on Eridan's face.

"You better find him quick," Eridan tells us, "Sol has a side to him, we like to call it the mushy side. If you kiss Sollux enough he turns all sweet and shit and he will kiss you back. If he's tired, he's a little more... agressive."

"Well, if Alexis is trying to do what we think she's trying to do, we better move fast." I turn around and see John behind me.

"Oh my god!" I say, relief in my tone. "John!" I can't stop myself.

I hug my little motherfucker.

Alexis's P.O.V.

I skip somewhere deep in the forest we crashed in with Sollux over my shoulder. As he pounds on my back with his fists, I try to determine how I'm going to seduce his balls off. Or just make him very mushy.

Man, I love video cameras~!

"Alexith! Put me down!" He orders.

"Yeah. fat chance, my sweet little Gemini.With a lisp." I reply.

"goddamn, AX." He mutters.

"AX?" I ask.

"Fuck you." Is his wonderful languaged answer, just as I see the perfect spot. A clearing is where the magic will happen. I take him to a large tree near the end of the clearing,where I set him down on his feet. Before he can do anything I pin him to the tree and start kissing him. He tries to push me away, but I ignore his physical protest and continue making him mushy.

Maddy's P.O.V.

'Bored as fuck, fuck! Bored as fuck, fuck! bored as fuck'fuck! bored as ffffuuuucccckkkkk~!' I sing in my head as Karkat drags me through the forest in search of Sollux and Alexis. I'm gonna kill her when we find her, I told her not too do this when we left. But nope, here we go again, for the fifth time since the homestuck characters got here, looking for Sollux.

Why does Alexis have to do this?

"Are you okay?" Karkat asks me as he stops walking. I stop beside him, sighing.

"I'm just worried about what Alexis has being doing to him for the past forty-five minutes." I reply. He smiles lightly, pulling me into a hug. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, feeling his warmth.

"I'm sure Sollux is okay." He says, trying to reassure me.

"Dude, she's actually seduced Suki before. He is not okay." I tell him. He pulls away immediately, grabbing my hand, and starts running. I guess he now understands why we need to find him right away.

Eridan's P.O.V.

Oh my god.

Alexis took Sollux and now she's in the woods with him trying to seduce him, which won't be very hard considering how easy it is to get a mushy Sol, and now I'm walking around with Ellie who hasn't even come close to flipping her shit.

"Will you just calm the hell down? It's only Alexis." She says.

"That's the problem. It's Alexis!" I reply, looking around frantically for my boyfriend.  Ellie sighs, not answering. I assume that she can't argue with that.

Metro's P.O.V

John stops walking only a few inches in front of me, and I stop too, looking at him. He turns around, smiling, then he comes towards me, stopping right in front of me.

"I love you, John." He says, pressing little small kisses to my face. Despite my smile, I say: "What did I say about calling me the J word?" He rolls his beautiful blue eyes, then kisses my lips gently, a kiss I return with glad.

Sollux's P.O.V.

Oh my god.

I'm mushing like a motherfucker. Oh shit. Oh my fucking damn shit. I honestly hate Alexis right now. I can't push her away and she won't stop mushing me. I hope Eridan notices I'm gone and comes looking for me. Until then, I'm stuck here resisting the urge to kiss her back. No sexual urges yet, thank the lord.

Maddy's P.O.V.

we're running fast like a vroom vroom car through the forest in search of the Gemini. Jesus I'm losing my ass just thinking about what the hell she's doing to him. Like shit on a trampoline!

Wait... what? I'm losing it again...

We make it to a clearing and I see Alexis kissing Sollux like a madman. Luckily mine and Karkat's brains are safe from getting scared.

Karkat lets go of my hand, so I bolt like a Sober Gamzee is after me and haul Alexis off of Sollux. He slids down the tree to the ground as I push her away from him so I can freak out at her.

Shit just got serious.


so much romance and point of view changes~!

I'm sorry if it got confusing at any point.

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