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Chapter One.

You know that feeling you get on the first day of summer when you finish school. That feeling you get when someone makes you laugh until you cry. Or the feeling on your birthday when you're surrounded by people that love you and you get lots of presents. How about the feeling you get when you're giving your mum and dad a good night hug and good night kiss? Yeah, me neither.

Before I could even walk and talk I was being shipped from house to house, being taken care of by different foster parents in their own homes. I could tell you all the stories I had with my own parents and how they raised me to be a good kid. Or how my dad taught me how to ride a bike. Or how my mum was teaching me how to cook, and sow, and do the laundry. How that all ended with an accident. How I cried. But it'd all be a lie.

I reckon you're probably pitying me. Or thinking I'm just like a thousand other orphan kids out there with another sob story. You can think that. It's your opinion. But I'm going to tell my story, my way, of how I saw things.

It all started out five summers ago, on May 4, 2007.








"HIGHER HIGHER PUSH ME HIGHER!" Lucy squealed to me from the swing. It was a beautiful spring day and the weather was spectacular. Sunny with light fluffy clouds in the sky, and a slight breeze. You could say its perfect, but there's no such thing.

"Alrighty. But don't you complain to me if you go swinging into the branches." I tell her, giving her a giant push from behind, sending her soaring into the bottom branches. She came back down with leaves and small twigs in her hair, laughing. I smile slightly and give her another big push before stepping out of the way.

"Lunchtime!" Celia yells from inside the house. I stopped Lucy and picked her up, watching everyone pile into the dining room. I sit Lucy down then sit in my usual seat next to her, while Celia comes from the kitchen with a plate of sandwiches. She places them I'm the middle of the table then goes back to get drinks for everyone. Once each person was settled with food she walked to the study to get Felix. The two of them come out and sit in their seats opposite from each other at the very ends of the table. We all take each others hands and bow our heads, except me.

"Aaron, would you please say grace." Felix tells one of the twins.

"Do I have to?" He whines.


"Thanks for giving us this wonderful meal of various sandwiches and lemonade. And for a family that's very unique and slightly bonkers. Pineapple monkey." I smirk and look over at him. He always does end it different every time. I'm amazed he hasn't run out of ideas.

"Amen." Everyone but myself repeats. They're heads all rise and the sandwiches in the middle of the table slowly disappear. After lunch we all go in separate directions. Felix heads to work. A bunch of them go outside. Celia goes into the kitchen with Lucy. I go to my room. It's how the day usually goes. I shut the door behind me and lock it, privacy is a needed thing. My bedroom is on the top floor, and being the eldest, I don't have to share it. The walls are a deep turquoise that reminds people of the sea. The floor is completely covered with this fuzzy carpeting with a random design. Over my bed that's covered with Aztec sheets, is a canopy that I can pin up when it gets annoying. Above my head is one big piece of cloth in a shade of purple covering every inch of the ceiling. There are little colorful lanterns hung from it at certain points to make a pattern in the material. I have

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