Ch. 3

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Chapter 3.

The only thing I love about this foster family on Sundays is that no ones goes to church. The whole family lazes about instead of friends and work. It's an off day for the whole house and we don't leave, unless all of us are going on a trip. Unfortunately for me today though, Celia had something else in mind instead of letting me sleep until noon like Blake. No, this morning she had me up at 8am to make the famous lemon squares my "grandfather" taught me how to make. Okay Celia's dad taught me but he's practically my grandfather so there. She wouldn't tell me why I was making them, just that it was important enough to get me out of bed, shower, and bake. Once they were in the oven I went back upstairs and got dressed. The thing with me is that once I'm up and walking I can't fall asleep, so their was no point in staying in yesterday's clothes. Considering Celia made me cook before ten in the morning must mean we're going somewhere.

"THEY'RE DONE!" Celia yells from the bottom of the stairs. I run down and stand in from of the oven.


I open the oven and pull the deserts out with an oven glove. Perfecto. I wait a few minutes then cut them up, placing them on a plater. I Saran Wrap the whole thing to keep the heat in and call for Celia to find out what these are for. She walks into the kitchen and lights up when she sees me dressed with the dessert ready. She explains to me that these are for are new neighbors as a welcoming gift. I tried to tell her it's a Sunday and they might be at church, but she told me their car is still in the driveway.

"Stalker." I tell her.

"Yeah yeah, go get your shoes on you're coming with me." She says with a grin.

"Finnnneeee." I say gritting my teeth as I run upstairs to get my Vans. Coming back downstairs, Celia's already at the door with the lemon squares held out for me. I take them and she opens the door, leading the way. I walk behind her as slow as I can, but she catches on to what I'm trying to do and tells me hurry up. We round the corner of the drive into their driveway and up the path to their front steps. Celia presses the doorbell and steps back. There's silence, then footsteps coming closer to the door. The same lady I saw tell moving people where to put stuff opens the door. Celia takes the talking role.

"Good morning. I know you're new in this neighborhood so we just wanted to come by and say hello. I'm Celia." She says holding her hand out.

"That's very nice of you, I'm Lonnie." The lady says shaking hands with Celia. They're about the same height. But Lonnie's a bit taller. She has dark brown hair, almost black, and hazel eyes. Her figure is slender and her hips are a bit hidden by the skirt she's wearing. She's very beautiful for a woman that looks about middle aged. "What are those?" She asks motioning to the food I'm carrying.

"Oh those are for you and your family." Celia explains.

"They're lemon squares." I say quietly, handing her the plate.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry but my whole family is allergic to lemons. Runs in the family. It's a lovely gesture though." She says stepping a half step back in a perfectly believable face, to look like she's petrified.

"Well that's not good we'll just take them back righ-" Celia starts to say rather quickly.

"I'm totally kidding. God I love lemon squares, did you make them?" She asks me receiving the treats and placing the plate on what I assume is a door side table. Then she turns back to me, awaiting an answer.

"Yeah." I simply state. She kind of stands there for a minute, fully taking me in for the first time since we got here.

"This is so silly of me, making you two wait outside talking to me. Come on in, I've got tea." Lonnie says snapping out of her gaze. Sadly tea is good enough to get me inside a strangers house. But I like her already, she can pull a straight face through a joke! I follow her in with Celia close behind. We're seated in what looks like a living room. I opt on sitting in a love seat near the door, and Celia sits on the couch while our host goes to get drinks. My gaze meets with Celia's and we have a mental conversation. One consisting of her telling me to behave and be polite, and to actually speak, and the other, me telling her to leave me alone. I break the conversation by finding something to stare at. The room is well decorated and suits the house. I'm surprised to see it basically completely finished. I'd think there would be things to unpack still. Lonnie comes back from the kitchen and hands us our drinks, sitting down next to Celia on the couch.

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