Ch. 6

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Chapter 6.

I was left to myself looking through all my photos for an hour before Celia and the rest of the gang got home. I heard the front door open and Celia run right up the stairs and into my bedroom. She just stood in the doorway before rushing to my side and gently sitting down. I just stared at her, while she formed tears in her eyes. "Don't cry." I whispered to her. She sniffled a bit then gave me a hug, being careful not to crush me in the process. I hugged her right back. This was always my favorite part of Celia, her hugs. I don't know how she did it but it seemed like when she hugged you, everything immediately got better. When she was done she had me sit up and let her examine any damages done to my back. I didn't mind because she used to be a nurse, that's how her and Felix met. Apparently I have a deep cut in my lower back, deep enough to get stitches. It went down so long, brimming the top of my bottom.

"You Missy, really, really need to stop hurting yourself all the time. Bumps and bruises everywhere! And mainly from that board of yours." She told me with a goofy smile. Celia knew I was always getting myself into some physical trouble. "But, you did save our new neighbor from a concussion, so that's good. Sucks you had to meet Aydane like that though. And where did you get those clothes?"

"Adayne" we said simultaneously. "Just make sure you give them back to him, and I'm going to assume the rest of your clothes are with Felix, considering that nurse you don't like was there." She turned to me, waiting for a reaction. My eyes went a bit wide, but I hid the tears that were threatening to pour out again. How did she know about her? That incident happened after Aydane called his mother. As if she read my mind she answered my internal question, "I read it all in your eyes Bailey. You may not show a facial expression, but your eyes showed the fear. I know you hate me doing this, but you know I'm always here if you want to talk about her." With that, she left the room, closing the door behind her. She was right, I did hate when she did that, but I didn't want to talk about it, or her. I hated her. I wish she'd just leave and get out of my life instead of coming back all the time some way.

At that moment I remembered my board was still somewhere in the woods. Dammit. I'll get it later, or ask Aaron to get it for me. I shifted my weight on the bed and turned the light off, placing my camera on the nightstand. I had no desire to eat at all now, so I just lay there with my eyes closed. I kept moving around trying to find a comfortable spot, but none satisfied me. Finally, I got up and went downstairs to get something to eat. It was about 11:45pm so no one was up, and Felix wouldn't be coming back until two in the morning tonight since Mondays he takes the late shift. I open the refrigerator and stick my head inside. A container of left over sushi from earlier today caught my eyes and I pulled it out. California rolls are the best in my opinion, but I haven't really tried any other kinds of sushi anyways. I closed the fridge and started to trudge back towards the stairs, but a door creaked behind me right as I made it to the first step. I slowly turned around to see Janette standing there in her mickey mouse pajamas rubbing her eyes. "Did I wake you up?" I asked her quietly.

"Nah, I was getting up anyways for water. You okay?"

"Yeah I'm good, a bit sore but I've been worse." 'Much worse than you could ever imagine' I finished saying in my head. She didn't say anything else, just continued walking to the kitchen to get her water. I continued going up the stairs and into my bedroom with the food. I opened the secret area behind my bookshelf and sat down. I propped the pillows up around me and buried my body underneath the blankets. When all the sushi was devoured I placed the container on the floor and laid down slowly, careful not to mess up any stitches. I found a semi comfortable position at last and shut my eyes once again. I drifted into sleep after a while, but I wasn't fully asleep. My brain was still awake, and seemed to have a mind of its own tonight. Ha get it, mind of its own, brain, yeah I'll stop. Anyways, I was brought back to the hospital. It was hot and sticky outside in my dream, and I was sweating. I was running down a hallway yelling something, but I couldn't hear what I was saying. All of a sudden her voice was everywhere. Everywhere and I couldn't escape it no matter how fast I ran away. I entered a room and locked the door. It became silent instantly, and I felt like there was someone, or something, behind me. The veins in my body grew cold as I saw the lifeless body covered with a thin, white, hospital sheet. I broke down right there and cried in my dream. I cried and I cried until I started crying purple feathers. Then her voice came back, in almost a cackling manor of an evil witch. It was unsettling and I felt sick.

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