Chapter 2 - Welcome To London

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A/N: I was actually shocked to how lovely some of your comments were on my first chapter. I was really disappointed on the way it finished but I thought maybe I could help change it in this chapter but I really didn't have any hope of being motivated to ACTUALLY write a second chapter for you. Anyway, Here I am, writing a second chapter because I want to- not because I feel I have to. All of your wonderful comments and votes made me smile- I really do take each one to heart and you all make me smile with your kindness.

So I'm going to shut up now and continue the story - please enjoy :)


As your (eye colour) eyes hit the doorway, where the two twins were now stood- the first thing you noticed was the polar opposite air about them. It seemed to just emanate out like some kind of radioactive source, you could feel it.

The sister felt more quiet, collected, controlled- but never the less kind, smiling your way in a soft and keen fashion. Whereas the brother of the two was stood there with his arms folded across his chest, a half cocked laddish smile playing upon his lips like a roll on a film reel.

"Hello again Aleck," the girl spoke softly, making her way across the space as you offered a wry smile, her soft blue eyes emulated the same colour you had known on the clear summer skies back home in Kent. "I gather this is your niece...?"

"Ah yes, Evie, this is (name)." Uncle Aleck offered, going to stand at your side as he pushed you towards the pair gently, your feet making small and hesitant steps. "She's going to be here for a month or two as I explained earlier, hopefully I can make her stay most comfortable." he smiled shyly, and you dared to speak up in front of the twins.

"I'm most certain you will, Uncle." you added with a nervous smile, the corner of your lips daring to flicker slightly like a flame in the wind, flickering with uncertainty, before you turned back to face the twins and took a deep breath in, filling your lungs and thought you might as well be brave and relax.

"I'm Evie Frye by the way," the girl introduced, nodding her head your way slightly, her eyes sparkling in a  friendly manner as the loose hairs escaping her hair tie fell gently into her view, framing her pretty face.

Brashly, and with the same confident cockiness you had felt coming from the large personality of him, the brother stepped forwards and eyed you up with his eyes narrowed slightly.

"So why exactly is it you have come to stay with your uncle?" he asked, eyeing you up in an evaluating mannerism, like he was trying to suss you out, "You look as if, by those fancy petticoats- you come from some wealthy folks." he explained, a cheeky smile erupting on his lips, "Have you been a naughty girl back at home and mother and father have sent you away as punishment?" he put on this babyish voice that made Evie turn around and give him a fierce glare.

"This is my brother Jacob- if you find it hard to like him, I don't blame you."

"I'm just asking questions." he interjected Evie quickly with a confidently responsive tone, like he was in control of what he was doing and he didn't want to be made a mockery of.

"As a matter of fact, Mr Frye," you began with a short smile that showed him you weren't some kind of joke, "I'm very keenly interested in mechanics and inventing- and it just so happens that my mother knew the best place to send me away for a while." your voice was full of confident poise that made Jacob raise a brow, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he watched you carefully, "this current situation of my residence has nothing to do with my behaviour or mannerisms- simply my hobbies and interests." You knew full well your words were nothing but fabrications of reality - it was no secret your mother had sent you here in hopes of wringing this interest right out of your system.

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