Chapter 19 - I Believe in Divinty

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A/N:Sorry about the lack of updates- so sad I'm coming to the end of this story! Here we go, the step before we enter our final chapter together everyone!


Sun, warm and welcoming, cast over the sheets and hugged your body, making you stir from slumber with a smile.

Opening your (eye colour) eyes, you were expecting to see Jacob sleeping next to you- but instead you were gutted to see empty sheets.

However, as you propped yourself up on your elbows you noted a small letter resting on the bedside cabinet. Slowly, your hand crept across to the pine furnishing as you picked up the paper, your eyes scanning the slightly off key- scruffy yet charming writing- very much reflective of its owner.

My dearest (name),

I didn't leave you for any bad reasons, I would've loved to stay the entire night sleeping by your side. However at approximately midnight I woke and remembered I hadn't told Evie where I was- and that I had also gone to sleep in my clothes.

So to save hassle I got up and headed for the train- I didn't want to have to face the onslaught of my sisters rage!

I'll be back for you tomorrow in the morning my love, I hope you're ready for a brilliant day

Yours eternally,

Jacob x

Beaming like a fool, you smiled over his sweet words, blushing considerably as you gathered up the sheets and pulled them to your chest slightly.

A series of sharp knockings on the door made you jump, and your hands quickly scrambled to shove the letter under your pillow.

"Come in." You called out, watching as the door opened to reveal Georgie, her breakfast tray rather full as opposed to normal. Her eyes cast about the room in confusion, before meeting again with your rather dishevelled appearance.

"Hm, I was expecting Mr Frye to still be in our company." She commented, her brow flickering up and you could tell by her sharp tone just exactly how she felt.

As Georgie passed you your usually crumpet and tea, you found yourself frowning slightly. Up until that moment Georgie had been nothing but pleasant, but it seemed she clearly didn't take too kindly to your relationship with Jacob.

"Bedded you and cleared off into the morning sun?" She commented rather brashly, and you audibly gasped at her audacity. Your (eye colour) eyes remained fixed as you saw her immediately look down in shame of not being able to hold her tongue.

"Georgie what's gotten into you?" You asked hotly, scowling slightly.

"Miss, I'm simply worried about you." She started, daring to lift her sheepish glance, "it is clear you love Mr Frye and all but... I can't help but fear he brings you too much trouble." She finished, lowering her gaze once again.

Considering her words you looked away for a moment- she didn't know the half of the awkward situations your love for Jacob had gotten you into. But that was the beauty of it, you had grown not to care- each instance made the pair of you stronger.

"Rightly so you are worried- but don't fret- I'm fine." You answered rather bluntly, setting your plate aside as you rose from the bed in your night gown.

"That will be all, Georgie." Were the words that fell in an orderly fashion from your soft lips, watching as she bobbed a quick curtsy, as you watched her leave- alone once again and in peace to prepare yourself for the exciting day you had ahead of you.

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