Chapter 7 - Bait

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Dreaming happily away to yourself in the shop, your mind constantly trailed over the pictures that flooded through your head like a film reel- the tenderness of Jacob's kiss and the low fire it had kindled in your stomach- reliving the thoughts in your head alone made your cheeks scorch with an intensity.

You wished he hadn't had to leave so soon, you loved being in his company- he was funny and just having the thought of knowing you were entitled to kiss those lips when you liked sent you giddy. Inside you were cursing yourself a little for falling so hard, this had all happened so fast yet nothing seemed wrong about any of it. You dreaded to think what your mother would say about it all...

Wrenched from your self anecdote, your (eye colour) eyes watched as your uncle's smart black carriage drew up outside the shop, and Aleck dismounted the carriage quickly and hastily- something shifty about his demeanour.

"Oh gosh, oh gosh..." He babbled to himself as you heard him come through the hallway, his footsteps rapid and skittishly scuffing across the floor as he entered the room. You noticed he looked flighty, constantly looking over his shoulders.

"Uncle?" You dared to ask, as his gaze whipped around frightfully, his flighty demeanour making you jump.

"Oh- (name) I have the supplies- why don't you go back into the workshop?" He smiled, almost painfully- but as you registered his tone it wasn't a suggestion- it was a command. You wanted answers.

"What's wrong?" You asked, your (hair colour) hair sweeping from your shoulders with the passing air as you walked briskly after him as he darted quickly to the side window. "Uncle!" You called after him ignoring you for a few seconds.

Aleck spun quickly on his heels, with a very disconcerting worried look in his eyes- it sent a bone chilling shiver right down the centre of your spine.

"Please- don't ask-" he pleaded, looking into your eyes with his dark milk chocolate brown ones, but he was cut short when you noticed his gaze flicker out to the window that was situated behind you- and the nervousness in his eyes made you turn fully, looking out of the dusty glass windows to see a beautifully regal looking carriage draw up outside- being led by a beautiful black horse. The details of the carriage were mostly crimson with a few gold accents, something that radiated wealth and austerity all the same.

Your uncle could barely get a word out as you watched the carriage door open to reveal a very tall, ominous looking male. He was well dressed in a smart black suit, the features of his face sharp and sinister like a knife- and the clean cut hair and moustache all added to the air of wealth and aristocracy.

"Please (name) I beg you-" your uncle tried to whimper, silenced by his own accord when he saw two blighters emerge through the shop doorway before the mysterious male who had just stepped out of the carriage.

Narrowing your glimmering (eye colour) eyes, you noted one of the blighters, the stockier one- to be the same blighter from the other day. He even had the slightly inflamed cheek and tender looking bruising under his eye to prove it.

"Mr Bell..." Came a low and menacing voice, as you felt yourself chill at the very presence of the regal looking man who had entered the shop. He looked around the place with such disgrace and a snooty fashion, his dark circled eyes surveying his surroundings as if he was in a slum. It made you feel fiercely protective of your uncle despite the fear this man inflicted into your system.

"Mr S-Starrick sir..." You had never heard your uncle trip and stammer so much over his words. Between his shaking hands he was twisting some blue prints. "What do I owe the pleasure?"

The man known as Starrick let his index finger glide over the windowsill, as he scoffed lightly at the dust he had collected, before his cold, emotionless eyes trailed up.

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