mettaton x punk rock! reader

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You had wanted a job where you could be yourself. Keep your hair dyed whatever color you decide. Dress how ever dark, bright,or as intimidating as you want! Ironically enough, a friend of yours, Alphys was able to get you a job working for her. Which was odd because you thought in order to work in a lab you had to be at least somewhat professional. But Alphys had a different outlook on things you guess. It was her lab so what she says goes!

You walked into the lab today, dressed no different than normal. Mostly black with a splash of bright colors here and there. Not to forget your bright _(whatever color hair you want)_ hair. Alphys' girlfriend, Undyne, was with her this morning. You had heard of her but never seen her until now. You had only started working with her about a week ago. As you walk by the two of them, Undyne looks over at you and leans over to Alphys. "Is this the new one?" She whispered. Alphys looks over and sees you standing awkwardly, you feel almost like a third wheel. "O-oh! Yes, it is." Undyne scans you for a moment. Something you've become use to after years of looking as you did. "Then you're right. She dose look like a living breathing anime character!" "Shh- Undyne!" You couldn't help but giggle. "Its _(y/n)_ by the way." You introduce. "_(y/n)_ huh? Gosh leave it to humans to come up with exotic names." "I could say the same about monsters." "...touché. But I better get going. Don't want to distract anyone." Undyne announced as she began walking away. As she walks out the automatic front door, you walk back over to Alphys after putting a few things away.

"What am I doing today Alphys?" You ask. "Well, uh. Instead of actual work, I was wondering. Can you draw?" "Draw? Kinda. Why?" "I-...I want someone to draw me fanart of..." You see Alphys look away slightly embarrassed. "Can you draw me some fanart of Mew Mew 1!" You smiled. Only Alphy would have you drop work so you can do some fan art for her. Not that you were complaining. "I don't see why not. I guess I could do that for you." You say as you grab some paper.

~ X ~

You sigh. You mat not be an artist, but you're beginning to realize the struggle all artist face and have appropriately named;

Artist block

It took about ten minuets total of looking around and pencil tapping, but you finally got a solid idea for what to draw. As you begin to sketch and outline (to the best of your ability) you hear the automatic door to the lab open, and a very familiar voice ring out as well. "Alphys, darling! How's it going?" It was Mettaton. You gasp quietly, but it was apparently loud enough for him to hear. "Huh?" Mettaton looks in your direction, you look down after a brief eye contact. "Oh my! You must be the new girl! I've been wanting to meet you. Alpyus says you look like no other-" As Mettaton makes his way towards you, you turn to face him. As you face him head on, his excited expression fades into one of horror. " me a favor and stand up." You obey and begin to stand up. As you stand, Alphys walks in. "Oh Mettaton! W-what do yo-" "Shhh-" Mettaton interrupts while holding his index finger out to silence her.

As you stand up completely, once again, Eyes start to scan you. Though mettaton is much more...Thorough. He begins to circle around you. ", realize that there are tears in your pants right?" "Yeah I know." "Then why are you wearing them!?" "Its a thing humans do. Like a trend."
He facing you again, looking quite disappointed in your choice if clothing.
"Alphys...would you mind if I take, um...whats your name?" You cross your arms and say your name. "Would you mind if I take _(y/n)_ out for a moment?" "U-um, no. Its fine with me." "Great!! Come with me darling!!" Mettaton yells while grabbing your hand and practically dragging you out the doors.

~ X ~

Mettaton drags you into what you assume is his lounge. You gape as he walks you in. You have never seen a room as fabulous as this. And quite frankly, you never want to see one again. "Please darling, take a seat." You mindlessly sit down an a pearl white couch. Mettaton soon sitting across from you. "I'm curious, why do you dress like this?" You shrug. "Guess I just wanna stand out!" Mettaton gives you a blank stare and slaps his hand onto his chest, as if he's offended. "This is not the way to sand out! There are many other ways! C'mon! Were going shopping!" "Please kill me now." You mutter as he begins to stand.

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