valentines day

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(Warning, i made this a cliché and fluffly as possible. You've been warned and I know this a day late I'm sorry I had a valentines say performance yesterday)

It was a double holiday. Sure, it was valentines day, but there was something far more important with it as well. It was Mettaton's birthday! Though his robot form was only turning 5 today, apparently he was much older than that. You of course hadn't known mettaton last year, but the monsters weren't familiar with valentines day. They had only been freed only a few month prior. But according to Undyne, when Mettaton saw the humans giving chocolates to people, and his fans actually sending him things in the mail. He was so coincided, that he thought the whole world was celebrating his birthday!

But chocolate and cards aside, valentines day wasn't your favorite day. But now you have two reasons to celebrate it. So you stood on the porch of Mettaton's house. In the outfit mettaton had picked out for you the first time you met. "Hello love." He greeted when he opened the door. You stepped inside and he shut the door, hugging you tightly. "Happy valentines day." "Happy birthday." You replied. Mettaton pulled back out of the hug before kissing you sweetly. "Did you have anything planned?" He asked. "Is my presence not enough?" You teased. Mettaton whacked your nose lightly like he had done after you two kissed for the first time. "Of course its enough love. And I see your wearing my brand as well." "Yeah, figured I would wear it. Why not right? Nothing else I own is very, valentines day-like." "It looks just as good on you as it did 3 months ago. But enough of that, I got you something, Come here!" Mettaton grabbed your hand and placed you on the couch. "Close your eyes." You put your hands over your eyes. "Okay." Mettaton went into the corner of the room and pulled out a very familiar black case. "Open." He commanded and you did. You looked up at him, he was smiling very proud of himself. "Go ahead. Open it." And so you did. You couldn't believe it.

" didn't have t-" "shh- I don't want to hear it. I did have to. I saw the look on your face when you opened it last time. Its the same look of love in your eyes that you look at me with." You couldn't believe this. It was the viola you were gifted with on the day of the talk show. "Can I ask how much this cost?" "C'mon darling its fine! I'm rich remember. Don't worry about it."

The truth is, it was a very heigh end viola. Every string was Larson. That right there was $300 on its own. And with 4 high quality bows. That could easily be a thousand. Just the bows themselves!

"Okay. If you say so." You took the viola out of its case, looking inside of the F-hole on the top and seeing the sticker. Yep, You knew it. It was German. "I'll be damned." You whispered. "What was that hone?" "Oh, nothing Metta." You put the viola back in its case. Making sure it was shut.

"My turn." You said. "This is for valentines day. I got you something else for your birthday." You pulled a heart shaped box of chocolate covered strawberries out. "Normally people would give out chocolate. But we're not exactly normal so I figured I would change it up a little bit." You had asked Mettaton previously of he could even eat things and how. He said yes, and 'magic.' So you didn't hesitate to buy him some of these. "Mm, they look really good. And I do like strawberries. Have I ever told you that? I just love them. They're one of the best things on the surface. I don't know what it is about them but they're just so cute." "Well these are the next best thing. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Only the best for you." "Let's test that theory then."

Mettaton grabbed two of the strawberries, handing you one. As you took it, he linked arms with you. "I've noticed human couples before." "Yeah then do this." "Then lets-" "on their wedding." "...then let's not do this." You laughed a bit when mettaton took his arm down with a bit of an embarrassed chuckle. "We can do it like this instead." You proposed. "One..." You nodded a bit at mettaton, catching on quickly, he continued. "Two." "Three." You said before taking a bite in unison.

Mettaton's eyes lit up quite literally. Little glowing hearts forming in his eyes. He knew that happened also. It was obvious he knew when he looked down with a bashful expression.

"You weren't lying." "I told you~" you purred. "And about your birthday present. You have to wait until sunset."


"Mettaton we can head out now." "Okay then let's go. I don't want to wait any longer." After a few hours, it was finally sunset. And you and mettaton were out the door. "So, where are you taking me?" "You'll see. Its just a little spot I found." Mettaton held your hand firmly as you walked. By nightfall, you were where you wanted to be.

There was a forgotten field by where you grew up. You had wild flowers growing in patches, and fireflies in bunches ever so often. "Darling, how did you find this place?" "When I was younger I use to come here all the time. I started thinking about it the other day and figured you might like it." Mettaton was silent. It was a comfortable silence though. He let go of your hand and walked over to a patch of blue flowers, kneeling down a picking one. You walked over to him and sat down. He looked deep in though as he stared at the flower, almost like he was on the verge of tears. "Are you okay?" He closed his eyes and nodded vaguely. "This place. Its just like the undergrounds." "What do you mean?" You asked. Hoping you didn't pour salt on any wounds. "It reminds me of one of the only good places that hell hole had to offer. Before I was a robot, I was a ghost. And I lived next to my dear cousin in a place called waterfall. It was beautiful there. Everyone's favorite spot, all monsters could all agree that if they wanted to forgot their troubles, waterfall had a spot for everyone. There was a place that was always raining, pouring rain. Undyne loved it there. The was even a garbage dump that Alphys would go to. She said it was in her element. But my favorite stop was the room with the whisper flowers. There were blue flowers just like these that surrounded the area. The flowers would repeat peoples conversations. Undyne even used one once to tell frisk to look behind them. She's so dramatic, I love it. But the best part of that room is when you would look up, blue diamonds were everywhere, and they looked like stars." Mettaton looked up into the lit night sky. "Thank you. For taking me here. That's the one place I never wanted to leave behind in the undergrounds. But this makes up for it." He looked you, putting the flower behind your ear and smiling. He kissed you in that moment. His hands wrapping around your back, and yours around the back of his neck. It was like time froze, and you never wanted to pull away. But all good things must come to an end. You pulled away from each other and put your foreheads together.
"I love you _(y/n)_."

"...I love you too."

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