all you here.

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All you hear about these days is how much society sucks. if you ask some bitchy teenager what she thinks of this society, I guarantee that she will say - "it sucks." but, don't you wonder why? Why does everyone hate our universe? That was a rhetorical question. The reason everyone hates our society is because it's an excuse to hate the world. If a girl is sad, they blame it on society; "Society makes me feel unwanted." Ahem, no it doesn't. You make yourself feel unwanted. It isn't because of our society because, in full honesty, our society is amazing. It's beautiful really. How we have changed from horses and carts to trains and aeroplanes. Of course there are faults; we still have crimes, murders and pain. But nothing can stop pain. Pain is what makes people notice happiness. If we didn't have pain and suffering, we wouldn't know what pleasure and relief is.

There are days when I wish I didn't feel anything. We all wish to be numb at some point. We all have days when we don't feel the need to get up, or to move. Some people feel like this every day. Some people would rather sleep forever in an eternal dream, instead of hearing everyone's cruelness. But yet again, society is not to blame. It is us; people, humans. We are the cruel ones.

But, every once in a while, you will come across someone who isn't as bitter as the others. You will come across someone who will make you want to wake up in the morning, someone who will make you feel strong enough to break through the cruelness. Whether it's a friend or a lover, they make you face the world. 

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