7 All Hell Breaking Loose

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I can't believe this bitch really still alive. She is the cause of so much drama in our lives. Damn I have to get rid of this bitch before she start exposing unnecessary bullshit about how we are in a new state and still have run ins.

Winking at Koko I continued to dip off into the large living room where people were sitting. I scoped out the people and their body language one in particular stood out. He looked alone and out of place like he didn't belong. I inhaled and made my way over sitting down on the white leather couch and placing my clutch in my lap.

"You smell really good and your dress is beautiful." He started the conversation.

"Thanks you don't look too bad yourself."

"So what's your name? Pretty lady."

Thinking off the top of my head I replied quickly. " Charliee Sheen. You?"

Fuck that was a dumb ass name.

"Wow that name is quite interesting. I hope you don't live up to his travels in life. You now he gets around" he chuckled.

I know damn well he ain't just call me no whore with AIDS.

"No but I hope you can hang"

Seeing that this conversation will take a turn for the worse soon I quickly navigated it back on track.

"So how did you know royalty?"

He shifted in his seat. " I actually used to work with him he supplied the popular demand and I gave the people what they wanted."

Smart ass wanted to sound sophisticated. Basically Royalty was the supplier. And this guy was the distributor.

Oh damn he thought he was slick.

" oh I didn't catch your name."

"Umm James" he said looking behind me.

Turning my head in the direction he was looking I seen Malaysia looking around. Mmmhh so they got something going on.

"You know her James?" I investigated deeper.

His eyes shot towards me and he hesitated "Uh yeah she's my g-g-s-sister"

this nigga lying.

"Oh okay looks like she's trying to find you." taking his phone from his hand I put my burner phone number in and handed it back to him. "Call me anytime".

With that being said I grabbed my bag and walked away to find KoKo.

Shit about to hit the fan.

Walking past Malaysia I couldn't help but feel eyes on me. Trying to shake the feeling I made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a spicy sushi roll and a small dish to put it on. Feeling a presence near me I glanced over to see Cartier. We made eye contact but it was broken when a female walked up to him and put her arm through his.

"Hey King have you seen my sister Malaysia?"

My eyes darted towards her. Oh Shit! Cambodia. Why all the Indian wanna be bitches coming out to night!


Shaking my head at Malaysia I continued to walk out towards the stairwell. With each step my hip lifted and my ass fell in pursuit. Getting to the top I sat on the burgundy sectional and crossed my legs causing my thigh to be exposed through my dress split.

"why is someone so beautiful like you sitting up here alone?" A older man approached me with a woman his age with him.

"Johnny leave that girl alone! -Oh she is so beautiful where is Cartier he needs to meet her I'm sick of him being alone"

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