Leaky Window

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It's been rainy the past few days. I don't really mind; I enjoy the rain. It helps me clear my mind and really think. What about, I don't know. Just whatever comes to mind.
It's late- around 1 am. I decide it's time to go to bed. I quietly pad around the silent house, turning off lights, finishing laundry, and cleaning up the "late night snack" mess my brothers and I had created. After I've completed these tasks, I roam into my room and close the door, surrounded by darkness. I don't mind since I find the lack of sight rather calming.
I finally lie in bed, listening to the soft patter of raindrops on the roof and staring into the pitch black that made up my room.
This is when I hear a distinct splat. I blink. There it is again- splat. I sit up slightly, and pull the blinds from my window. There it is. There's the leak in my window. I turned on my lamp and took in the sight.
Saturated water weighed down a spot in my ceiling. Water dripped down onto my carpet. Water droplets slid down my window and collected on my window sill. Splat.
I sighed and turned off my lamp. This isn't the first time it had leaked. I lie back down on my bed and pull my sheets over me. Splat.
Once again, I didn't really mind. Rain will be rain. Either way, I found this "aura"- if you will- calming, including the occasional splat. Thunder rumbled in the distance. The wind picked up and I felt the cool draft from my window. This was all perfectly fine with me. I was safe from the elements under my warm sheets in my pitch black room. Why can't every night be like this?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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