Chapter 2

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Picture of Simba on top.

Zara p.o.v

I loaded all of the battered sleeping gear into my arms and shuffled my way back down the road to my 'friends'.

That's when I heard it. That's when I heard them.

"Boss! I think someone's been 'ere recently! The stuff over 'ere is missing"

Shit! I have to run.

I viciously threw the gear on the floor and took off down the road in a sprint.

"Boss I see 'er! Do you want me to go after 'er?"

"Of course I do you dumb piece of shit!"

That voice sent a shiver running down my spine. How could a voice be so damn attractive?

I could hear a pair of thundering footsteps gaining on me as I turned yet another corner on my escape. My life as I knew it would be gone if I don't get away from these jerks I thought, causing my body to push itself a little bit harder.

It didn't seem to make a difference though because merely seconds later and I was trapped in a pair of strong arms.


He whispered as I get a large throbbing pain in the back of my head. A couple of seconds later and my world was being swallowed by a black cloud.

What happens now I thought? Will they kill me? Will they force me to be one of their traded sex slaves that were rumoured about or will they just keep me locked up?

Well I guess I will find out soon I thought as I surrendered to the darkness.


I gasped and my eyes shot open to reveal a dark and dingy cell.

Guess I am going to spend the rest of my life down here then.

I hope Jake and the others found all of the stuff I needed to get to them. Maybe they had figured out what had happened to me? Or maybe they had just thought I had dumped everything and gone home?


I bet they won't even miss me. I bet they will be thankful that the horrible, fat, little brat had been permanently removed from their life.

The Fiorelli's had probably told the town they had captured another girl and my parents were probably ecstatic with the thought of it being me.

They were probably already claiming my life insurance and throwing a massive party by now.

At least I won't be a burden to anyone now.

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