Chapter Nine

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jenns pov

surprise ! jc is there all alone he was sitting down on a stool looking at kian and me with his jaw wide open.
ugh how I wish I can stick a pineapple up his mouth

kian than let's go of me
I was still surprised that jc was in there, I was scared he would do something just like he did last time I was with matthew.
he almost murdered him, just because he hugged me. I wonder what he'll do this time. I just shake remembering all those times with jc

i start biting my nails I was nervous.
"kian I think we should go.." I whisper shout
"I want some burritos" kian pouts
I sigh "fine but let's just get our burritos and eat at your car? pleaseeee" I grab his arm rubbing my hand into it to make him warmer

"fine but in one condition!" he points out his finger
"what?" I ask
"you have to hug me till I'm not cold anymore" he smirks
I shrug "deal" I sheepishly smile my stomach is all butterflies
"like right now?" he nods

I place my arms around his waist and place my head into his chest I rub my arms to try to make him warm I look around and see jc with red eyes, he squeezes his Taco Bell cup which makes his Coke explode
I smirk

I chuckle "kian guess what?" I ask him while I'm still in his arms
"what?" he whispers into my ear
"the guy with the Afro is my ex" I whisper as I chuckle
he laughs out loud "he seems pissed"
"hey let's order the food yeah?"
once the workers give us the food we went outside the pouring rain. after we got out the first 5 seconds we were soaking

"how are you not cold" I shiver and started gritting my teeth
"I am" he cracks his voice he could nearly talk because of how cold it is.
"cmon lets go get you warm" we were about to get in the car and turn on the heaters

"no don't make me warm because I gotta find my chill!!!! what the fuck jenn who's that guy? we broke up two days ago and your going out with a guy already?" he screams and spat all on Kian and I's burritos

I frown "shut the fuck up jc it's not like I slept with him when we were dating.. I'm not like some people" I stick my tongue out at him and flip him off

"hey you , shirtless guy with invisible abs get away from her you jerk" jc moves closer to kian
"jc get away from him you don't even know him bye leave" I push him back but than he slaps my hand that made a huge red mark I made a shocked expression *note the sarcasm*
not the first...

"AY WHAT THE FUCK GET YOUR AFRO ASS SOMEWHERE ELSE BECAUSE I CAN DEFINITELY BEAT YOUR WEAK ASS UP!!DONT YOU DARE HIT MY GIRL" Kian lies he screams in anger his face heats up and his hands are rolled up in fists he grabs jcs shirt and punches him in the nose which made him bleed
jc was about to punch him back but that's when I separated them

"sTOP!" I scream as I put myself in-between them
"kian I know he's a bitch he cheated on me and he basically made me who I am today ... a slut" i try not to let tears slip for a boy named jc that isn't even worth my tears.
"you know what, just both of you leave me alone I'm done with boy drama do whatever you guys want with each other you can stick a shovel up each others mouth or even just fuck each other I don't care but I'm done dealing with boys bye" I walk away just done of all the boy drama. I'm literally so tired of boys. I can't take it anymore I just wanna runaway from this world and go to fucking Mars or something because I hate the earth

I walk away I don't know where I'm going but I'm definitely going somewhere because I see lots of cars. I find myself a hotel and I decided to get a suite at least for like a week. I just wanna be by myself you know? I mean you know what they say 'YOLO' yeah it's a stupid and old phrase but hey it's true! you only live once try to enjoy as much as you can before it's over. and yes I got the burritos from kian HA

the cab driver // k.lDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora