Chapter Two

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hellooo! just wanted to inform you that my other story is on hold and so is this one! I decided to check on my books and realized I had a draft on this book  and realized why not update? first of all this book is on hold! and second of all this is not edited sooooo don't judge me! 😂 anyway byeee! 😇

chapter two - hooking up with sam


"its your fault stupid!" sam says examining the bruise jenn gave me on the cheek

I scoff "I couldn't help it sam! she never wants to do it with me! she's 'too scared' so I just did it with lia" I shrug using the bunny ears hand thing or whatever you call it

sam shakes his head he had a disappointed look on his face "dude that just admits that you aren't in love with her. if you actually were in love with her you wouldn't care about having sex with her right now. you'll care about losing her" he says getting off the couch

"I'm going to taco bell and not getting you anything because jenn deserves eating good food not you, cheater" he nudges my shoulder as he gets out of the house

me? a cheater?

I sigh

I don't want freaking sam to talk to her
it's obvious he likes her

I messed up. big time. I'll never get her back


I punch the pillow one more time as I cry into it
my tears still spilling as I choke into them

"why jc why" I mumble into my pillow

"I know he's an asshole jenn but you deserve better! trust me there's better and nicer boys in the world" I could hear sam smirk if that's even possible

"sam, help me get over him" I say sitting up into my bed I placed my head into his lap as he stroked my hair, it was peaceful

"well I can help you" sam says going down into my belly stroking it

"no, stop" I tell him backing a little away from him
"you don't wanna get over that douchebag?" he states staring right into my eyes waiting for my response

I don't respond I just straddle him while he blushes he took a hold of my waist as he bit his lip

I started to lean in

the cab driver // k.lWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu