Chapter 5

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Brightpaw yawned as she woke up in the apprentices den. Where am I...? she thought, until she remembered she was in the Pack Of Shining Night's camp.

Brightpaw padded into the main section of the camp and Cactusstar approached her with a sun-yellow dog she had seen before.

Cactusstar spoke and said, "This is Sunlily, your new mentor. She will teach you how to be a warrior. I will leave you to it."

Sunlily said, "Today we will practice moss gathering. Don't rush, but keep in mind that if you're fast enough we might get to some stalking practice."

"O-okay." Brightpaw said quickly.

Sunlily softened a bit. "I know you may feel rushed, but you have to learn these things if you want to be a warrior."

Brightpaw replied, "I'll do whatever it takes to be a warrior."

Sunlily said "Okay. Let's go get some moss."

Privately Brightpaw thought I have to collect moss for a duty? that's stupid! Though she would never say that out loud, especially to Sunlily.

Sunlily probably guess what she was thinking and said, "I know moss isn't exactly the most fun task, but it's something you have to learn eventually."

"Let's just get it over with." replied Brightpaw, as she ripped some moss from the tree they stood by.

"Brightpaw, you're getting a lot of moss, but you're also pulling up a lot of dirt and roots too. Here, do it this this," Sunlily said, demonstrating.

"Like this?"

"Better. Keep going like this, Brightpaw, and you'll be a pro at moss-gathering!" Sunlily said.

Brightpaw smiled as her reply.

"All right, I think you have enough moss now. Let's take it back to camp." Sunlily suddenly said, "Wait, not like that! How much moss do you think you're going to carry like that?"

Brightpaw dropped her moss.

"Carry it like this." Sunlily said, rolling moss into a ball. "Put on ball under your chin, and carry one or two more in your jaws. You laugh now, but would you rather walk back to camp then here again and back to camp to get all the moss?"

"No." Brightpaw decided. "This way seems easier, I guess."

They walked back to the camp, with Sunlily patiently waiting whenever Brightpaw dropped a moss ball.

When they made it back, Sunlily gave Brightpaw her choice of the fresh-kill pile. While Brightpaw was grossed out at first, she ended up liking the fresh animal meat. She was careful in avoiding feathers and fur for the next few days.

When she woke up the next day, Sunlily came up to her and said, "Let's try to hunt."

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