Jasper Gets Sick

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A Week After "Invariably"

"Cancel class," I demanded.


"Jasper you have a fever."

"I'm just hot for you, baby."

I groaned. "You can't go to class, you're sick."

"I'm sick for you, baby," he added a wink this time. No luck.

"Jasper! If you don't cancel class I won't grade any of your papers."

"I'll survive," he waved me off.

"I won't make your favorite dinner."

He only laughed at this. Ass.

Finally I pulled a dangerous card. "I won't have sex with you."

He narrowed his eyes unbelievingly.
"You're bluffing."

"You really want to take that chance?"

He eyed me for a second longer before calling the English department secretary letting her know he was cancelling classes due to illness. Strange how that always works regardless of the situation.

Last week I came over to stay at his place since Sara kicked me out because she had the flu. I guess I accidentally passed it on to Jasper because here we are at his house him sneezing every five seconds while I make the fourth can of chicken noodle soup that day.

All day long I have been trying to get him to go to bed which usually isn't a problem but today was different. He remained on the couch refusing to go to bed because to him, that was the same as giving up and he still thinks that regardless of his 101 fever he isn't sick.

"Seriously, I'm fine. Look," he walked around in a circle. "Fit as a fiddle."

Still I eyed him with my arms crossed not convinced. "First of all, I don't know what that phrase means and second, walking around in a circle does not prove to me anything."

"Then how about I show you in other ways?" he placed his hands on my waist dragging me close to his body suggestively. I would have gotten into it if he didn't look as pale as a ghost. Plus right then he turned his head to sneeze for the fiftieth time. "Damnit."

"Jasper," I took his hands off my waist and placed them by his side, "you.are.sick. I don't know why you are arguing about this when clearly you are a walking virus."

"A virus for you, baby," he tried to wink but ended up sneezing again. "Damnit."

My boyfriend everyone.

"You are hopeless," I groaned.

"Hopeless for you--"

I held my hand up cutting him off. "Jasper would you just please go to bed? You know you need to."

"Only if you join me."



"Damnit, Jasper!" I threw my hands up. "You are not going to get any better like this. You need rest. You need fluids. You need sleep. I don't understand what your deal with is about being sick."

"Hold on," he held up a finger. "I have ate like five bowls of soup today so I'm good on the fluids. Plus, like I have been trying to tell you I am not sick," he sniffed. "Jasper Andrews is immune to any and all sorts of sickness. I went ten years without so much as a cough. Whatever this is," he pointed to his body, "is nothing. It will go away in five minutes, guaranteed."

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