0| Jasper & June

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Slight adult content ahead, ye be warned! And if you have read this in the Extras there are slight changes so I suggest you take another peek at it, hehe.

Five Months Before Convention

I haven't been this bored since Biology class in college. Seriously, why am I at this conference again? Oh right because I was an idiot and accepted the job at Bulfort University. Fucking great. If I had known that going to an educational conference would be mandatory I might have denied the offer, but no, I needed the money desperately.

Especially since I bought a townhouse rather than an apartment despite the fact that I'm still paying off my student debt from graduate school. Really smart move. Plus Jade would kick my ass if I didn't accept the teaching position. In fact she would probably kick my ass now for complaining. She has a terrible habit of doing that although she is not only the mother to a toddler, but also a therapist. I'll never understand my little sister.

The beloved guest speakers tonight were all old, fat retired men who probably would rather be watching Jeopardy right now than giving seminars on something they haven't done in centuries. Hell, I would rather be watching Jeopardy right now. All this training is making me annoyed and tired. The man up front now isn't making anything better either. He's practically making up the Ten Commandments of a professor on the spot: Thou shall not be inaccessible outside of class, thou shall not grade unfairly, thou shall not sleep with students--okay we get it.

I sighed taking another sip of my drink halfway listening as he went on a tangent about the importance of our job. It was as entertaining as watching grass grow. Maybe they wouldn't notice me drifting off to sleep since I'm so far back. But I am sitting at a table surrounded by people. And they keep glancing at me.

Ha, like I give a fuck, I'm going to take a nap.

"Is this seat taken?" a throaty voice made my eyelids back open.

I turned to see a woman with blonde hair so bright it almost looked like snow pointing to a chair next to me. Although I could tell she was a bit older than me, her black dress complimented her busty figure. She definitely wasn't bad to look at.

I flashed her a kind smile and gestured her to sit down, "All yours."

"Thank you," she said taking a seat with a champagne glass in hand. Her overpowering fragance hit me so hard it almost suffocated me. I really hated when a woman doses herself in perfume, it's like they are hiding more than their body odor.

"Intrugiung, isn't it?" her voice cut me out of my thoughts.

I lifted my eyebrow at her. "Depends on the subject."

She chuckled and pointed towards the stage. "What the speaker is saying. He makes a good point about education these days."

I looked back at the speaker with false interest. "Oh yes. He is clearly invested in the topic. Very powerful. I am moved by his words."

"Indeed," she lifted a glass of champagne to her crimson red lips. "I would be too, if he was actually talking about education."

I stiffened in my seat then slid my eyes back to the smirking woman. Oh, she is good. I like a little sass sometimes. And she is clearly trying to start something. This night just got a little more interesting.

I chuckled smoothing my tie down before saying, "I suppose you caught me, Miss . . .?"

"Harrington," she replied extending her hand, the thick pearl and diamond braclets rolled up to her wrists. "June Harrington."

Forbidden ExtrasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora