Calm down Sourwolf

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Monday 2:17 pm

Stiles: Hayyyy

Derek: Shouldn't you be in school?

Stiles: I am.

Derek: Stiles. Please don't tell me you're in CLASS right now.

Stiles: Ok. I won't tell u.

Derek: STILES.

Stiles: ok ok. Calm down Sourwolf. It's only ancient history. No 1 ever pays attention.

Derek: Stiles, just listen. We can talk later.

Stiles: Fine.

Derek: Good.

Stiles: Hayyyy Scotty boy. Derek won't talk to me

Scott: I'm in class. Text me later

Stiles: Arghhhh u 2???

Scott: see u later
A day later...
Tuesday 5:12 pm

Derek: STILES.

Best bf ever: yes?

Derek: Why the hell are my contacts different?

Best bf ever: Oh ya, that. Haha...

Derek: Really Stiles? Seriously.

Best bf ever: my contact is pure fact.

Derek: Sure. I just have one question.

Best bf ever: shoot.

Derek: Would you rather: I rip your throat out or: I rip your throat out with my teeth.

Best bf ever: Nah-ah, Sourwolf. That doesn't work on me anymore

Derek: You don't have a choice. The second one.

Best bf ever: ...ily?

Derek: I love you too...

Best bf ever: There's my softie big bad wolf!

Derek: Stiles?

Best bf ever: yas?

Derek: Shut up.

Stiles: Hi.

Derek: Are you okay?

Stiles. I'm fine. Why you ask?

Derek. Stiles, you're texting properly. Something has to be wrong.

Stiles: Damn. You know me too well.

Derek: So what's wrong?

Stiles: It's just that... today's the anniversary of my mom's death.

Derek: Oh, Stiles. I'm so sorry.

Stiles: It's just that... Today is always so hard, and no one seems to understand that.

Derek: Yeah. I get it. My family is, well...

Stiles: Yeah. I'm sorry, Der.

Derek: Is there anything I could do to help?

Stiles: Could you come over?

Derek: Of course.

Stiles: Window's open.

Derek: <3

*wipes away tear*
Thanks for reading! :)

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