He can do it

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We are getting into happier chapters now, haha. Also please read A/N at the end if you have a moment...? Thanks and enjoy :)

Derek: Are you okay?

Stiles: I'm fine, Der.

Derek: Just checking. <3


Derek: All good?

Stiles: All good.

Derek: Good. I love you.

Stiles: I love you too.


Derek: Are you doing alright?

Stiles. DEREK. IM. FINE.

Derek: Just making sure... I love you. I'm sorry for pushing too much I'm just worried about you.

Stiles: I know. I love you, too, and I appreciate you looking out for me. But I'm fine.

Derek: I see you typed it all out, so you're serious. :P


Derek: ...Yes??



Stiles: :(

Derek: I love youuuuu :)))

Stiles: :/ Ily 2

Derek: Good, life is back to normal now that you're back to abbreviations

Stiles: :*


Derek: Pack bonding at loft tonight. 5:30; bring chips.

Stiles: roger that captain big bad wolf

Derek: Seriously

Stiles: Seriously captain big bad wolf

Derek: don't call me that

Stiles: fine guess u don't want any chips then

Derek: Scratch the chips and just be there

Stiles: can I call u captain big bad wolf??

Derek: No.

Stiles: fine. Doritos or Cheetos?

Derek: Your choice.

Stiles: obviously Cheetos

Derek: Okay. See you then love.

Stiles: awe derbear <3 see you

Pack bonding (Derek POV)

I hear Stiles' jeep when it pulls into the driveway, snapping me into action.

I race out the front door and up to his now parked Jeep, opening the door for him before his fingers even touch the handle.

He stares up at me as he gets out, his lips only slightly quirked up at the corners. "Jeez, Der. Quite a gentleman today aren't you?"

That was sort of true I guess. Really I just wanted to make sure he was okay after the whole... you know. I can't lose someone I love. Not again.

As soon as the car door is closed my arms around his waist, pulling him flush against me. Our noses are almost touching.

"I missed you." I whispered, breath ghosting over his face. He grinned.

"I missed you too." He muttered back, cocoa eyes never leaving mine.

I was lost in his eyes for who knows how long before we heard someone clear their throat, making us both jump apart in shock.

"Sorry to interrupt, but are you guys ready? If you don't get in soon, Lydia is going to make us watch The Notebook..." Scott warned us, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Shit." We said in unison, making us both chuckle. "Come on." Stiles ushered me inside with frantic waves of his hand.

When we walked in I could already hear Lydia saying, "Notebook time!" Stiles heard it too because he ran into the sitting room as fast as lightning, limbs flailing everywhere.

"No, no, no!! Please, anything but The Notebook." I could hear him plead from the hallway. I laughed lowly, walking in slowly behind him only to see Lydia trapping him in a hug.

Stiles looked at me with a look that said "help me" but I knew that all he needed right now was a hug. He had the tendency to be able to hide his emotions amazingly well, even around us werewolves. It was frustrating, because he rarely ever acted upset except for when he thought no one was looking. But sometimes I was looking.

"You're okay, yes?" I heard Lydia whisper, and Stiles finally gave in wrapping his arms around her waist. He nodded slightly, and I slowly backed out of the room into the kitchen to leave them alone, only to see the rest of the pack was there too.

"Just give them a minute." Isaac said, staring up at me with those adorable doe eyes. I smiled softly and nodded, he was just such a puppy. I ruffled his curls making him grin. Everyone else laughed at how cute he was.

I have the best pack ever.

Time Skip

We ended up watching Up instead, by Isaac's order. About halfway through the movie, Stiles had fallen asleep with his head in my lap, his feet in Scott's. Everyone else was either on the floor or the chairs, and us three had the couch. More like Stiles had the couch, and Scott and I were his cushions.

I could feel his light exhales hit the fabric of my jeans, and I couldn't help but smile to myself. Who knows how long it's been since he's gotten a proper sleep.

Maybe he wouldn't ever fully recover. Maybe he would always be scarred. But I know that if anyone can fight through this, he can.

I know it.

Horrible ending to this chapter, sorry. Btw I'm trying to develop a schedule and try to update this every Saturday!! :)

I'm trying to update more often but tbh I'm not really sure where this story is to go from here. If you have any ideas, let me know! Thanks :)

-Sarah xxx

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