Stiles, babe? You there?

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Hoechlin dancing is just too much for me

Here goes nothing.

Friday 6:30 pm

Scott: Hey have you seen Stiles?

Derek: not since yesterday, why?

Scott: he wasn't at school today

Derek: I'll call the Sheriff.

Scott: Woah woah woah! U? Dude he hates you!

Derek: Don't call me dude.

Scott: whatever. Just let me call him

Derek: fine

Scott: He said he thought he was with me... Oh shit

Derek: Oh shit

Scott: that's what I said, asshat.

Derek: Shut up and call Lydia!

Scott: yes SIR. Jeez

(Phone call because I can XD)

"Scott, hey!"
"Hey, sort of a huge problem brewing here."
"What's wrong?"
"You didn't happen to see Stiles today, did you?"
"No, haven't seen him since yesterday. He's not with Derek?"
"Nope, and his dad thought he was with me."
"Oh shit."
"Exactly what Derek and I said."
"That's it, I'm coming over."
"Ok. See you soon."

Friday 6:37 pm

Scott: Lyds is coming over, you should too.

Derek: On my way

Scott: u could just put omw

Derek: No, unlike you I still have active brain cells

Scott: stfu

Derek: Thank you for proving my point.

Scott: I h8 u


Friday 6:41 pm

Derek: Stiles, babe? You there?

Derek: Stiles!

Derek: Where are you?

Derek: Babe?

Call, no answer

Derek: Dammit, Stiles!

Derek: Just answer!

Derek: Please just don't be dead.

Derek: Please.

Stiles: Derek?

Derek: STILES!

Stiles: You've got to help me

Derek: Stiles, where are you?

Stiles: I don't know Der

Derek: describe it to me

Stiles: it's cold and dfificjfjfj

Derek: STILES!?!?!?


Call, no answer

Call, no answer

Call, no answer

Call, no answer (A/N: just give up already Der jeez)


Friday 7:01 pm


Liam: Uh, why?

Lydia: Stiles is missing

Liam: r u sure?

Lydia: yes, I'm sure!!!! See u there

Liam: k

MWHAHA!!! Hope you guys liked that chapter, let me know what you thought! I was thinking of adding Malia in here, so let me know if you guys want any other characters! (If you say Isaac I'll probably throw in some SCISAAC) *wink* *nudge*

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