Watty results

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So She's a Natural didn't win anything in the Watty Awards 2015, but that's ok because the amount of attention this story has gotten has been phenomenal!! The feedback and encouragement I received from votes, comments, and messages blew me away.

Keep sharing and supporting this book, because I believe it's my best work and I'm really really proud of how far I've come as a writer. I adore every single one of my readers, silent or not. I'll try to update soon for you all!!

High hopes for my next book in the 2016 Wattys!! What do you guys want next, a spinoff on Ryker (the werewolf) finding his mate (Follow the Instinct) or a story about a girl who's just trying to break out of her shell, starting with her sexuality (Not So Plain Jane)? Not So Plain Jane will NOT be a supernatural oriented book. Let me know, because I'm torn between these two ideas!

Thank you soooooooooo much!! ❤️😊

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