What's up with the slow updates

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Sorry guys, this isn't an update, but I do have news.

My mom and I moved out of my dad's house, and we're slowly adjusting to our new lives. They communicate with each other, but not very well. There are usually tears at least every other day. It's hard.

That being said, I just got a new laptop and don't have Microsoft Office yet, but as soon as I do I plan on getting a new chapter up for you guys. Again, these updates probably won't be too frequent. I have a feeling that a divorce is in the near future, so I'm just trying to handle my own life right now. Hope you guys understand that writing isn't a priority right now. It's a hobby, and I don't have time for hobbies at the moment.

I wrote this from the computer at my dad's place, so that's how I posted this note. I DO plan on finishing this story, and I DO plan on writing more books after it. (I already have an idea for my werewolf book, Follow the Instinct. It's going to be so good, I'm so excited!) But right now, there's no time and no energy fro me to write.

As usual, this note will be deleted when I post the next chapter. Any comments or votes for it will be deleted automatically and a waste of both of our times, although I do appreciate the support. If you want to message me, I'm always open to that :)

Love, Tara (windxdancer97) <3

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