Two Story Teasers

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So, I checked my profile today, only to see that I had over 500 followers!! When the hell did that happen, guys?! I remember when I got my first 10... But I'll spare you my sentimental emotions.

Anyway, since I'm so freaking shocked about that and that She's a Natural is currently sitting in the #18 spot in Fantasy, I wanted to give back to you! I can't write a chapter in one day, not a good one anyway, so I decided to show you what I have for the two stories I'm tossing around in my head. A lot of you want the spin-off of Ryker, but I'll post both that and what I have for Not So Plain Jane.

It's not much, but here they are! Thank you so freaking much!! <3

Follow the Instinct teaser


People weren't afraid of this pack's territory because of the Alpha. No, the alpha of these lands was rumored to be very kindhearted with a mate and two adorable children, a boy who would take his place as alpha when he was of age and a little girl he could dote upon and chase all of the unmated wolves away from her. His life was perfect; he had no reason to be overly aggressive towards trespassers. He didn't have a mean bone in his body, and he cared for his pack with all of the compassion an alpha should have.

The true reason to fear this territory was because of the fighters. And not just any fighters. Him. Ryker. The warrior that was said to be stronger than the alpha, faster, smarter. The only reason he wasn't Alpha was because of his blood lineage and the fact that, even though he would most likely come out the winner of a fight if he challenged Alpha Blake, he didn't want to do all of the paperwork and finances involved with running an entire pack. He just wanted the freedom to kill at his own leisure and gain the respect that came with his reputation. He was ruthless with rogues and killed without a second thought. He was the real wolf to bow down to.

It would be a lot easier to do if I knew what the hell he looked like.

Rumors sparked of how ruthless he was, so amazingly skilled at killing, comparable to a well-oiled machine, but no one had ever seen him. Or, rather, no one had ever seen him and lived to tell about him. He was like a song everyone had heard, but there were no pictures of the artist behind his voice. An air of mystery surrounded him, a very dark, lethal mystery that no wolf dared to try to solve. Every wolf valued their life too much.


So that's that. It's not much (of course I have little tidbits stored away on my laptop, pieces of dialogue and stuff, muhahaha!) but it's just an overview of what kind of direction I'm thinking I want to go. I'm a sucker for a good werewolf book, but I wanted to shake it up and not have the guy be the freaking Alpha! Are there no other wolves in the pack? 

*You can't say anything, Tara, you just wrote a trilogy with a prince, a lord, and a king!*

Yeah, I know...

Anyways, I doubt I'll have any of the cliche stuff (rejection, rogues, white wolves, that kind of thing...) but we'll just have to see where the story goes!

And here's your second option!

Not So Plain Jane teaser


"I'm tired of being so...plain Jane!" I burst. "I hate this girl. That's what she is, Erin. She is a girl! A naïve, stupid, innocent twenty-year old little girl!"

Erin shrugged, which made me even more aggravated. "So what do you want me to do about it, Jane? What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know! Something!"

She pointed the end of the spoon at me, splattering tomato sauce all over the shiny linoleum floor. "That's your problem, Jane. You want me to do something about it. You always want someone else to take care of your problems."

"That's not true—"

Her piercing glare made me pause.

"It is true, and you know it. You are so damn controlling, Jane. You can't stand not having the reigns in your stubborn little fist, so any problem that you have that you're insecure about, you push onto someone else. And that's what you're doing right now. I can't help you, Jane, no matter how much I want to. You're gonna have to help yourself."

I thought about that for a long while. I came up blank. "How?" I whispered.

Erin shrugged nonchalantly. I tried not to strangle her. "What do you want, Jane?"

"I want..." I huffed. "I want to do something outrageous. Something that everyone else did in high school when they were teenagers. I want to turn back the clock."

"Well you can't do that," Erin chimed helpfully. I scowled at her back as she stirred the boiling pasta. "But you can start now."

"Start what?"

"Being not so plain Jane."

"How do you suppose I do that?"

She pushed a pad of lined paper towards me and a pen. I stared at our grocery list.

"You want me to go shopping?"

"What?" She glanced at the pad of paper, then ripped the top sheet off, leaving me staring at a blank page. "No, write it down."

"Write what down?"

"Everything that you want to do. Anything it takes to convince yourself that you aren't plain. After you've completed that list, you should feel accomplished."

I hesitantly picked up the pen, chewing on the end. It was a bad habit I would probably never break.

"I don't even know where to start."

"You don't have to make it now," she suggested. "Think about it for a few days. Whenever you find something else that you want to do, write it down. By the end of the week, I'd bet my LBD that there won't be an empty line on that piece of paper."

"What's an LBD?"

She sighed. "We'll start there. Write down clubbing."

"Clubbing? You know I hate clubbing..."

"You've never been clubbing!"

I crossed my arms defensively. "I don't have to. I already know I would hate it."

Erin huffed in disagreement. "You want the high school experience you never had? Put it down. And add 'get a LBD' while you're at it."

"I still don't know what that is..."

"It's a little black dress. Which is something that you desperately need."


On the other hand, this story will have a bunch of cliche aspects! Gay best friends, a super hot guy, probably some sex scenes (the real stuff too!), drunk nights, and an all-around adventure that will leave you laughing and Jane head's spinning! I want this story to have a humor element to it, something less serious than my other books. I'll be incorporating some of my real life experience in here (the embarrassing stuff) so it'll be authentic.

I'm excited for both stories, and now I want to know what you think! Comment below like crazy, because we're almost done with Mia and Killian, Seth and Eva, and Ivy and Xavier for good!

Gosh that's depressing...

Thank you so much once again! 500 followers! #18 in Fantasy! You people rock my socks off! *socks fly off* Just like that!

'Kay, I'm off to do some homework! Next chapter will be up when it can!

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