Chapter 3

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Trigger Warnings: very brief mentions of sexual assault/attempted rape, neglect/abuse, anger issues, and intense description/actions of pyromania. You have been warned.

Andy's POV

     That horn, I believe a conch horn, blew again. Percy and everyone else started to get up from their tables.
     "Uhm," I cleared my throat to get Percy's attention. "Where do I go?"
     "Go to Chiron, he'll tell you," he answered curtly, not looking at me.
     I nodded as a thanks, and looked around for Anita, but I couldn't find her. In my seemingly endless search for her, I accidentally bumped into someone.
     "Watch it, punk," a manly voice growled.
     I looked up, only to see the speaker was actually a girl. She had a ton of muscle.
     "Sorry, didn't mean to bump into you. But to be honest, you're kind of hard not to run into."
     Her face went from ugly, to dumpster material. "What was that?" Her voice was gravelly and still extremely manly.
     "Eh, never mind. Your tiny brain probably can't process it anyway, so I'll let you walk."
     She pushed me to the wall, and pulled me up by my shirt. I made a 'tsk tsk' sound in the back of my throat, adopting a Regina George voice for my next statement.
     "Bitch, you can't fight me," as soon as I said that, she pulled her arm back and tried to punch me, but I moved my face at the last second, and her hand hit the wall.
     "Clarisse!" I heard someone yell, along with the sound of galloping. I look over to see Chiron. "Let go of him," he orderd.
     "Yeah, Clarisse," I taunt her.
     She looked back over at me and growled once again. She put me down, and shoved me so I fell to the ground with a thump. In a second, Clarisse was up against the wall, with Anita holding her there. As Clarisse struggled to get Anita off her, I saw Anita whisper something in Clarisse's ear. Clarisse went a ghostly shade of white, and Anita stepped back, smirking. She reached her hand out to me and pulled me up off my ass.
     "You two better watch your backs," Clarisse mumbled half heartily as she walked away. Chiron then trotted over.
"Let's go you two," he said sternly. I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't want to get kicked out on my first day. And what if they made Anita leave because of me? As crazy as this place was, we were safe here. Anita nudged me, pulling me from my thoughts. Chiron then lead us to the house we were at yesterday.
     We went into the room with the big table. "Have a seat."
We obeyed. As soon as we sat down, I started voicing my anxieties.
     "Are we here because of what happened? Because I can-" He held up his hand. "No no, if I had to bring everyone here that Clarisse messes with then I'd be here for the rest of my immortal life. But you two... you stick up for yourselves, now don't you?"
I nodded, "Yes sir."
     Soon, another man entered. He looked a lot like my once-upon-a-time step dad. I frowned at the memory. Anita, sensing my discomfort, grabbed my hand underneath the table.
     "Anyway," Chiron continued. "For the first two days at camp, you both will be free to do whatever you like. But since it's Thursday, and all campers get the weekend off, you will get four days of exploring the camp. Now, you can ask someone to give you a tour of the camp, or you can tour it yourselves," he explained. Anita and I nodded, and we stood up.
     "Thank you, Chiron," Anita said, uber politely, while I just waved.
     "So what do you wanna do?" She asked.
     I shrugged, "Just walk?"
     She nodded, and we started walking straight. We kept going until we got to... A BEACH!?
     "Wanna go for a swim?" I asked. "I think I saw a swim suit in my suit case, so there must be one in yours."
     She smiled widely, and we ran to our cabins as fast as possible. I entered my cabin, and went to my suit case. I looked through it.
     Shirts...pants...socks... Ooh! Hair dye! Anita can help me with that.
     "FOUND IT!" I screamed to absolutely no one. I changed quickly, and got my new beach towel and flip-flops, and I ran to the beach. Once there, I kicked my flip-flops off and ran to the water. I jumped in, and swam for what seemed like forever. I came out to see a worried Anita.
     "Hey," I called to her. "What's wrong?"
     "What's wrong?" She yelled slightly. "What's wrong is I thought you were dead! I couldn't find you, and I've been here for fifteen minutes!"
"Whoa! That's cool!" I exclaimed.
"What's cool?" She asked, still kind of pissed.
"I can breathe underwater," I answered. "Think about it. Poesiden is my dad, he's the god of the sea, so I can probably do all sorts of cool stuff with water. I need Percy to show me!"
     I saw a black shadow come over me. I looked up to see wings attached to something, but all I cared about was that Percy was on it.
     "PERCY!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He heard me and dropped down onto the soft sand.
"Hey, Andy," he smiled, obviously glad that I was talking to him.
"Hey," I answered, skipping the small talk. "How do you do the whole water deal? Like control it?" He smiled at my question.
"I'll show you, let's get in the water."
"Don't you need a suit?" He shook his head. I was a little confused, but I guess he knew what he was doing.
We went in the water where it just hit the top of my belly-button.
     "Alright, so what've you figured out to do so far?" He asked.
"I can breathe underwater. That's it."
"Okay, so what do you want to learn?" Before I could answer, I felt something splash me. I turned to see Anita wading over to where Percy and I were.
     "What? I wanna watch." She said innocently. I shrugged, and the looked at my brother.
     "Um, I wanna learn whatever you can do." He nodded, chuckling at my ambition. What can I say? I'm a Slytherin through and through.
"Okay, so to do a wave you have to get angry. Think of something that angers you."
     "Easy," I mumbled, not caring if Percy heard me or not. I started ticking things off on my fingers, as I thought about them in the private reserves of my mind.

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