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Percy ran away from the monster that was chasing him.

If you were a normal person who couldn't see through the mist, you'd see a black haired, green eyed, tan skinned, well built but looked like he had no food for a while, who wore a ripped jacket and shorts. A faded orange shirt that only read, C    H   -B. Worn out sneakers, and a bead necklace, running away from a buff guy with no shirt on.

Let's just say it wasn't his day.

He looked no different from any homeless guy on the street. You wouldn't even look at him twice, you're just look away and hope he didn't ask for money in front of your kids, younger sister/brother, or anyone really.

Now, you may be asking why Perseus Jackson, the great Son of Poseidon, is running away from a monster, and not fighting it. Where are his friends?
Where is his pen?
Where is his sword?
Where was he?
Where was his girlfriend?
What happened.

I'd happily explain, if you'd kindly not kill Annabeth.

Well, for starters, his friends were back at Camp Jupiter, enjoying life, as far as Percy knew, Nico was on a quest, Will was in college, Piper was helping Jason with all the shrines, Leo was dead, Frank was helping Reyna with New Rome, Hazel was with Frank.

The rest, they didn't care.

The people at Camp Jupiter probably didn't even know about what happened, and they still went on about their day as if nothing happened.

His pen, it was given to Zoë Nightshade when he was betrayed.

He had lost the sword he'd taken from Camp a couple weeks ago, while a dozen of dracanae were chasing him. He'd tripped, and he saw his sword skittle across the floor. He'd been too distracted to retrieve it, and was now unarmed.

He was at the borders of Canada and Alaska, hoping that the gods wouldn't pay attention or anything.
Not like they'd care after that son of Zeus came.

His girlfriend, well let's just say she's with her new toy.

What happened? He'd rather not tell.

But since I'm not him, I'll tell you.

It started when Percy heard a shriek coming from the camp borders, him being the him, ran from his cabin to help the poor person.

When he got there, he saw a boy around sixteen. Two years younger than him.

He saw why he shrieked.

There was a hellhound in front of him. Red eyes, black fur, and sharp teeth. And by the looks of it, the kid was throwing rocks at the thing.

Doesn't he know that he'll just make it mad? He thought as he attacked it.

He killed it in one minute. By the time he was done, he heard the camp getting near.

Suddenly the kid pushed him down, and grabbed the sword from his grip.

The camp surrounded him and the kid.

"I killed this dog!" He yelledeyed at the top of his lungs.

A couple of the campers that were there in both the Titan, and Giant war, didn't believe him. But the ones that weren't, they looked surprised that a kid could kill a hellhound without training.

"He did it without any training!" A kid in the back yelled.

"Percy! Why didn't you do anything?" Another yelled.

"Yeah, why?"

They kept on asking questions, until the obnoxious kid yelled,
"Yeah! I killed this thing without any training! And he," he stopped dramatically, "just sat there doing NOTHING!"

Percy Jackson Son of HeraWhere stories live. Discover now