Chapter II

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Percy was surprised, to say the least.

He woke up in a bed. The last thing he remembered was collapsing on the ground.

As he regained consciousness, his head started to hurt. It may have been because of the amount of force that had been used when he fell to the ground. Or it could have been because before he was in the bed, he had gotten more powers.

Percy put his hand against his forehead. He needed time to think. But he was interrupted by He- his mom.

"Good morning, Percy. How are you doing?" She asked.
"I'm fine." He responded. "Just a little headache."
She nodded. "Well, let's go and I'll give you a tour."
Percy got of the bed, and soon realized that he had no shoes.
"M-mom?" He stuttered. "Yes?" Hera sled concerned.
"C-can I have some sh-shoes?"

"Oh. Yes! Of course." She said as he stood up from the bed. He then heard her say, "Oh, and your clothes are on the chair over there. I'll meet you again at the local park at 5:00pm, alright?" Percy nodded his head. Hera gave him a small smile and then left the room, and ultimately the house.

He looked over his surroundings. It looked like and ordinary room.

The ground was laminate, and the walls were a beautiful shade of blue, green, and a bit of yellow.
Or was that gold,. . .he couldn't tell.
Besides the occasional golden object here and there, it was a normal room, fill with normal things. So far.

There was a closet on his right, it looked like a built in closet and there were some pictures on it, so he checked it out. When he came closer, he found out they were picture of he and his friends after the giant war. His eyes stung with tear as he remembered every event. There seemed to be a dozen of them, but he couldn't count because by that point, he was crying a waterfall.

Mom must be curious as to why I'm making so much noise and why I'm so late.

The former soon of Poseidon sooner or later found out he had a watch on. It was a digital watch. He cursed under his breath. He had dyslexia so he couldn't read the time. He would have to ask his mom later.

He left his room and walked to the kitchen. His adoptive mom was there eating Ambrosia, while a plate of hot blue pancakes with syrup were on the table. Hera was reading a tabloid about something when she spotted him and ushered him to his seat.
"I bet your hungry." She said sweetly. "Go on, eat." Percy started to eat his food, and was surprised to find it taste so delicious.
"This tastes good, did you make it?" Percy said. His mom nodded and went back to doing what she was doing while Percy was eating. Suddenly, her appearance started changing into someone Percy knew better than anybody.
"Mom? I mean, Hera, um, you kinda look like my biological mom." Hera simply nodded, used to this.
"I know Perseus."

Percy Jackson Son of HeraWhere stories live. Discover now