Chapter XXI: Bianca's dream

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Bianca POV:
The dream was weird if I had to describe it. Well of course it had to be. It was a demigod dream after all.
The dream was about Percy and me. We were in Westhover Hall. The day that I joined the hunters, the day Nico and I found out we were demigods.
This time, I didn't join the hunters, I stayed with Nico and everything changed.
Then it moved to another one.
It looked like the a mansion like living room.
The cabin leaders were in there, all discussing battle strategies.
Then Percy said something, "If you all don't stop arguing, we won't be able to win the war!" Everyone then shut up, and Percy continued.
After it, another image appeared.
I saw Percy and I, we were in front of the Oracle. I heard it say,
Seven half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep to the final breath
Foes bear arms, the Doors of Death.
The image was replaced with another one.
In this one, I saw a girl, I noticed then that it was Hazel.
I saw Nico, who I was next to say, "Come with me. To deserve another chance in life." We left and it faded to another.
This one was different to say the least.
It had my aunt Hera in it. Percy was in there and so was I with the rest.
"I am here to offer you all something." We all nodded, "I would like too offer you, a second chance in life. With your memories of this life."
And then Percy said,
"So I can prevent Gaea from waking up with stopping my nose bleed?" I giggled a little and the rest burst out laughing.
"You guys are mean." He said, although we all knew he had a smile under that frown.
"Yes. You can,... Prevent waking my grandmother up,... And you can also prevent a few deaths. For example, Bianca di Angelo?" Percy blushed at this and so did I.
"Do you all agree to this?" Before I could get any response out of them, I was woken up by Nico.
"Percy's asking for you." My brother said.
"Tell him I'll be there in a minute." He nodded and left.
I looked down at what I was wearing. It looked old. I went into my closet and got on of the things Piper got me.
I changed into (it's at the top) and went to the living room.
When I got there,
Everyone was there and Hera.
I stood next to Percy. Hera started talking.
"I am here to offer you something."
We all nodded, this is kinda like my dream,..
"I would like to offer you a second chance in life. With your memories of this life."
Suddenly Percy said what was said in my dream.
"So I can prevent Gaea from waking up with stopping my nose bleed?" I didn't giggle this time. I snorted. But the rest did laugh.
"Yes, you can prevent my grandmother from waking up,... And you can prevent a few deaths. Like your girlfriend Bianca di Angelo?" Me and Percy blushed. Even though I heard once, it still made my heart beat faster.
"So do you accept?"
We all nodded.
"Well then, when you are all asleep, the process will begin." And she left soon after.
"What do you guys think we should do?" Asked Nico's Now boyfriend.
"I think enjoy our last day in present time." Piper said. We all agreed and the rest of the day was spent doing that.
And when it was time to sleep, i dreamt happy thoughts and woke up in Lotus Casino.

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