So it occurred to me this morning that not everyone is aware of the Half-Life 2 Beta Lore. I've also thrown in a bit of custom lore, as well.
1985- Blaine O'Brien (Protagonist) is born
1999 - Portal Storm Begin(Creatures from Xen begin getting thrown onto Earth. A few species would include Vortigaunts, Headcrabs, Barnacles, Antlions, and the creatures the combine uses as slaves such as Stalkers, Dropships, and the SHIELD Scanner.
2000-2011 - People seek refuge in large cities. Most of North America is devastated from the Portal Storms, many take refuge in Anchorage, Alaska, but its the only one that lasts till the Seven Hour War. Through this time most of the countries join the United Nations, and the UN becomes a sort of World-Government that is now lead by Doctor Wallace Breen.
2012 - The Universal Union notice Earth and how weak it has become, and strike. Taking it over in only seven hours before the United Nations surrender. All occurring during late December.
2013 - In the beginning of 2013, the Universal Union force all former soldiers who are fit for battle into conscription. All former policemen are forced into the Metropolitan Police Force. Anyone under 17 is sent to isolated factories to produce goods for the Union. Towards the end of 2013, the Overwatch Transhuman Arm is formed, replacing a large majority of Conscripts. Conscripts still widely used, but considered canon fodder.
The Conscripts are what's left of Earth's former military and the people who are conscripted. Conscription can occur in two ways, random selection, or volunteering.
The ranks go as follows: Private > Private First Class > Lance Corporal > Corporal > Sergeant (Along with Drill Sergeant and Gunnery Sergeant) > Staff Sergeant > Master Sergeant > Sergeant Major > Second Lieutenant > Lieutenant > Captain
All conscripts are brainwashed so that they have a physical bind to the Union. A loyalty brainwash is you would. They can, however think what ever they want of the Union.
The Outlands
The outlands are areas in-between cities that aren't completely controlled by the combine. The majority of Half-Life 2 is played in the outlands.
Entities are beings with unnatural powers. They can have anything from god-like powers, to just tiny powers like reading minds, teleportation, ect. Entities can take any form, but often stick with a human one and stick with it.
If there are anymore questions, please feel free to PM me.
Soul Identity
Fiksi IlmiahBlaine O'Brien was born in 1985. In 1999, the portal storms began. In 2012, the aliens began invading. One hour later, war was waged. Seven hours later, Earth surrendered to the aliens. Only days later, the aliens, who called themselves the Universa...