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He's so tall and handsome as hell

He's so bad, but he does it so well

I can see the end as it begins

On every corner and in every classroom in Whitman's School for Troubled Youth there was a sign that said:

1. Drugs equals bad decisions equals jail so don't do it

2. Dress code is mandatory

3. Anyone using vulgar language will immediately be moved off campus

4. All teachers, officers, and administration are treated with respect

5. Be on time or don't come at all

6. Disobedience is a sin and sinners go to hell

A guy with white blonde hair walked into our classroom on the first day twenty minutes late with a leather jacket draped across his shoulder, a bandana across his forehead, and a cigarette between his lips.

"Mr. Jackson, I presume?" Our teacher, Mrs. Jue, asked. Chase Jackson was the only person not present when the roll was called.

"Yeah," he replied taking another puff from his cigarette. How did he get that onto the campus?

"Mr. Jackson, you will walk out of this classroom immediately. Throw that devil stick away and change your clothes."

Chase smirked and didn't move. Mrs. Jue stood up from her chair and glared at him.

"If you don't leave this classroom at once then I will call an officer," she threatened. Chase ignored her and began walking towards the empty desk beside me. He sat down with a thud and winked at me. I scowled and did my best to ignore him.

"This is your last chance, Mr. Jackson," Mrs. Jue warned. Chase continued to ignore her and turned so his feet were facing me.

"What's your name, cupcake?"

"You would know if you were here when roll was called," I said.

"Miss Tomin!" the teacher snapped, "stop talking, unless you would like to be sent out too. I shut my mouth and turned to the front. The last thing I needed was to get in trouble. My dad was already mad at me for the cafeteria incident.

Mrs. Jue pressed the button under her desk and the intercom came on. "Yes?" A rough, male voice asked.

"I need some assistance removing a student in room 3204."

Less than a minute later two officers walked into our classroom. They spotted Chase and walked over to him.

"Is this the student?" One of them asked. Mrs. Jue nodded and they grabbed Chase's shoulders, trying to lift him up. He resisted and they pulled him harder. Chase rolled his eyes and stood up. I thought he was going to go out with him but instead he turned around and threw a hard punch, knocking one of the officers to the ground.

The three of them began fighting on the ground. I expected the fight to be over in a few seconds but Chase held his ground surprisingly well. I couldn't help but admire his muscles as he punched the officer's face. It was pretty hot.

Two more officers ran into the classroom and they finally got control of him. I watched as they carried Chase out of the classroom, his feet dragging on the floor. He smirked at me one last time before the door was closed.

If I went to a normal school, kids would be screaming and this would be on the news the next day. But at Whitman's school for Troubled Youth, we were used to stuff like this. Well, not used to it, more like we knew there was no stopping it.

The kids here were sent by their rich parents who couldn't care less about them. We all had issues... some more than others.

Mrs. Jue straightened her shirt, cleared her throat and began her lesson on the French Revolution.


When the dismissal bell finally rang, I began walking across the campus to my dorm.

"Hey cupcake, want a cigarette?"

I turned and saw Chase leaning against a tree, cigarette in hand. I knew he was expecting me to say no. "Yeah," I replied. He raised his eyebrows.

He handed me a cigarette and I leaned closer for him to give me a light. "So what's your story?" He asked.

"Why should I tell you?"

He shrugged. "Everyone here has a story. I'm just curious about yours."

"I tried to bust my head on the concrete," I said. He raised his eyebrows. "I didn't pick a building high enough. The last time I didn't have enough pills."

"You struck me as more of the 'too sexually active, parents worried' type of girl. I met a few of those earlier," he said, smirking. I scowled and he started laughing. "I'm just kidding."

"My dad found me with a broken arm and leg, and two cracked ribs. After that he was tired of dealing with me and sent me off to a boarding school. That way, if I succeeded in killing myself he wouldn't be responsible."

"My mom sent me here after my meth lab blew up."

I stared at him blankly. "You definetly look like a meth head," I deadpanned.

He began laughing again. "You're actually pretty cool, better than anyone else I've met here so far."

I finished the cigarette he gave me and flicked it on the ground. I was kind of worried about getting caught but another part of me felt good to break some rules.

"How did you not get sent off campus?" I asked.

"You see that new aquatics centre they're building over there?" I nodded. "My parents paid for it."

That explained it. Most of the stuff we have here is paid for by rich parents who want to keep their kids out of their hair.

It was quiet for a moment before Chase said, "You never told me your name." at the same time I said, "why did you make such a scene this morning."

"You first," we both said.

"To piss my parents off."

"Taissa, but call me Ty."

"Taissa? That's a weird name," Chase commented.


He readjusted his bandana. "So what are you doing tonight, Taissa?" He asked.

"Cocaine and then maybe some weed," I replied, "and don't call me by my full name."

He laughed. "Well as much fun as that sounds, how would you feel about coming to a party with me, Taissa?"

I rolled my eyes. "No thanks, I really do have plans." My plan was to have a movie marathon on netflix but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Yeah, you do now. You're coming to the party with me."

"No I'm not. And who is allowed to have a party here anyway?"

He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Not here, over at a frat house."

"A frat party? No thanks."

"You're coming."

"No I'm not. I just met you. For all I know you could be trying to kill me and then rape my corpse."

"I can assure you right now that's definetly not what I want. Besides, I prefer women with warm, beating hearts."

"Good to know. So you're definetly not interested in me," I said.

"I'll pick you up at eight tonight."


"See you later, cupcake."


Song: wildest dreams by Taylor swift

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