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We ate our dinner in silence, and then watched a whole movie before any words were shared that night.

“Stay with me.” She said, and I could tell she wasn’t asking. I nodded my head and started to get comfortable on the couch, like I had many nights before. That’s when she walked over to me and took my hand in hers. She motioned towards the stairs and I followed close behind her.

I pulled back the blankets and fixed her pillows as she plugged in her stand of lights before climbing into bed. I climbed in after her, careful to keep my space. When she cuddled up to my side I wrapped my arms around her tightly, promising to make her feel safe.

There was an unspoken agreement to keep her secret a secret, but I couldn’t help but to be more protective of her than before.


“Come sit with me, please?” I almost begged her at lunch on the last day of school.

“I really need to cram for this last exam. I can’t…” I ignored her protest and dragged her to the table anyway.

“I’ll help you.” I said with a smile on my face. She gave me a disapproving glare that turned into a smile as she sat next to me.

“Which metal atoms can form ionic bonds by losing electrons from both the outermost and next to outermost principal energy levels?”


I’m standing outside of the chemistry labs impatiently waiting for Sara to finish her exam. I peaked in the side window to see that there were only two people left in the room. Sara and her teacher. She was standing at the teachers desk with a nervous look on her face.

Her teacher passed her the marked test and the nervousness from before fell off her face. She ran out the door and bumped right into me.

“A-“ She yelled wrapping her arms around my neck, and burring her face into my chest.

“I knew you would do just fine.” I smiled, rubbing my hand up and down her back. She looked up to me with a smile on her face. “Ice cream to celebrate?” I asked and her smile only grew.

We both sat at the lookout with our ice creams in hand just laughing and talking about graduation, college, where we want to go once we graduate. Everything we want to accomplish in the future.

“Out of the two where do you want to go more?” She asked me.

“Really, Sara? Is that even a question?”  I joked with her.

“Well I know Stanford is number one for us both but have you got a letter yet?” I shook my head and looked over to lock eyes with hers already looking at me. “I haven’t got one either.”

She looked away but moved into my side, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. “There is always community college..” I said grinning to myself, and got a scoff in reply. “Let’s head back, yeah?” She nodded and got up from our spot on the rock.


“Oh Haz! I love this song, turn it up!” She commanded because she was too occupied with the game on her phone.

“We’re almost to your house though.” I laughed at her.

“We can still savor the small amount of time we have…” She looked up at me from her phone and grinned.

I looked back to her, smiling at the girl next to me. “Yes we can.” I replied as I reach up to turn the radio up.

“Stop at the mailbox for me.” She said unbuckling her seatbelt. She was out of the car before I could stop fully, and ran to the mailbox. I turned to look at her as I heard her scream and the slam of the door to the box. She was already running back to the car at full speed, jumping in the front seat.

“LOOK!” Just the excitement in her voice made me smile, but once I saw the huge envelope with the Stanford emblem on the corner in her hands I couldn’t help but cheer out in excitement with her.

“Open it! What are you waiting for?” She shook her head, still smiling at me.

“I’m not opening mine until you get your letter.” So without another word, I put the car in reverse and backed out of her drive, turning the car in the direction of my house.


This is kind of a crappy chapter and I am so sorry for that… It will get more exciting soon, I hope. I skipped around in the chapter a lot, and I’m sorry for that too, but if I hadn’t I would have just been rambling. SO with that I will try harder on the upcoming chapters.
I’m going to try and update again later tonight… but right now I have to go have a social life at the beach.

Big love guys .xx

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