After School.

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Kind of a filler.. sorry. xx

“Thank you.” I said to him in the small voice I was able to muster up.

“Just let me in.” he said resting my head back on his chest, and hugging me so tightly.

We ended up not making it to school that day. We sat at the lookout for over an hour in complete silence. Harry drove me back home; I think part of him knew I really didn’t want to go to school.

He didn’t come in he just dropped me off and then went to the basketball courts to play with a couple of his friends.

My mom had been home and left a note on the counter to let me know. It didn’t say much, just that she had been home. I disregarded the note and went to the fridge.

It was full but my appetite wasn’t there. The whole day had been a lot for me to take in. I had come so close to telling my best friend my biggest secret. I could have lost him today, with just a few simple words.

The rest of the day was a bust. I sat and watched movies to occupy my time and keep my mind off of other things. Soon enough I was falling asleep on the couch and already dreading tomorrow.

The night went by too fast and school was already here. Sitting in class I was okay but the anticipation of my finals were really messing with my head. I thought of the lookout as I patiently waited for the exam.

The booklet was set on my desk and I was brought back to present. As I glanced around the room one last time I saw person in the door. It was Harry. He had a huge smile on his face and both thumbs stretched up looking right at me. I smile knowing today was only going to get better, and then started the test.

The test wasn’t horrible. I was done early with each exam and able to leave early. After I was done with the last exam of the day I sat at the flag pole with my Chemistry book studying. Harry was probably done with his exams but chatting with his friends. It didn’t bother me because it gave me the extra time to study.

I sat there longer then I thought I had; school got out over an hour ago and I was still engrossed in my chemistry.

I wondered where Harry could be and if he had left yet. Maybe he went to play basketball again. While packing up my things to head home I thought about the lookout and was deciding if I wanted to go there today. My feet answered the thought when they led me to the path leading to the lookout.

As I made it to the top I realized that someone was sitting on top of the rock as Harry and I had spent our day yesterday. I started to walk away when I stepped on a branch and snapped it. I didn’t mean to distract the person but when I heard my name from the top of the path I suppose I caught their attention.

“Harry?” I turned around and he was making his way down the path towards me.

“Where were you?” He asked me when I started walking up to him.

“The flag pole at school..” I dragged on a little hoping he would catch on.

“Oh gosh! It’s Wednesday?” by his reaction I could tell he had truly forgot.

“It really is.” I laughed it off walking up to the rock. He followed me apologizing.

“So why did you end up up here?” He asked making himself comfortable next to me.

“Just a lot going on I guess.”

“Like…” he wasn’t really asking as much as really pushing me to go on.

I know he wanted me to let him in and yesterday may not have been the day, but what about today?

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