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Please be wonderful, and go check out my newest story! It's called Walking Travesty!
I'm extremely excited about it, and it is SO MUCH better than this story! Thanks xxxx

“Harold Edward Styles.” I hear his name called out as I sit in my chair, with my diploma already in my hands. I watch him walk across the stage and I hear the loud yells from all of the other friends he was lucky to make.

My eyes are on him the whole entire time he is walking back to his seat. His eyes catch mine, and he sends me a wink which makes me look away and smile to myself.

The commencements seemed as though they dragged on forever, and I was thankful when we were able to start our way out.

Harry met me by the doors and wrapped me in the biggest hug before bending down and connecting our lips for a second time today. I smile into him and wrap my arms around his neck. He leans back and looks in my eyes, flashing a smile that shows his dimple and then he leans back down; except this time we are interrupted by my mother.

“Sara.” She clears her throat. Harry backs away from me, and I drop my arms from around his neck, but he still finds my hand and keeps a hold of it. “Harry.” She greets him after a few seconds. “Can I talk to my daughter alone, young man?” My mom tries to be kind to Harry but it’s been known that she never liked him.

“I’ll be right here.” He whispers in my ear before taking a few steps back and joining a group of our class mates.

I shift awkwardly from one foot to the other as I stand in front of my mom. “Congratulations.” She hugs me, and feel even more awkward, not knowing what to do with my hands. “Now that you are done with high school, I assume you’re going to college.” She says as she pulls back. “Stanford!” her voice is cheery now.

I haven’t told her I didn’t get it. She really wouldn’t care that much anyways.

“Since that is clear across the county, I have put the house up for sale.” My jaw drops and I can’t speak. Not that it matters because she continues on with her own speech. “It’s actually been on the market for over two weeks now; I’m surprised we haven’t had an offer. I didn’t want you coming home to an awful sign in the front yard though, so I had the agency postpone that. We are set to move out within a month’s time. So, Sara... doll, when you get home I’m going to have to ask you to start packing your things up. There are boxes in the spare room in the basement if you need them.”

I have no words, not one to express how I am feeling at this moment; but my mother doesn’t seem to notice that. She checks her phone and her face fills with realization. For a second I think she might have come to her senses and realized what she had just told me, but she just looks at me and smiles before saying, “I have a flight in twenty minutes. I have to go Sara.” She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before she is running in the opposite direction, calling back to me, “I’m proud of you.”

My knees are shaking and I feel as though I could puke.

After almost begging Harry not to go, I have to. I have to leave my home town, and my childhood home. And worst of all, I have no idea where I will actually be going.

Part of me wants to turn around and just wrap myself in Harry, let him hold me, and let him take my worries away. But instead I do what the other part of my wants to do.

I run.

I take off in the direction of my house. Not stopping when I pass my old teachers as they say their congratulations to me. I just keep walking, not wanting Harry to catch up to me, because I knew how upset he would be if he knew what I was really in route too.

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