The Candy Cane Killer

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Little Millie always knew
She was not like me and you.
She had no love from her birth
But innocence was her curse.

At only twelve she felt love fast
The first time she found love would be the last.

It started with candy canes on her desk
He always put her to the test.
She kept getting them everyday
She didn't really know what to say.

She always knew where they'd be
They came as fast as one, two, three.

A week til Christmas and he showed up
To take her out with her sippy cup.

After school, she would play
With her stranger
Twenty years of age.
He'd dress in red and they'd sing carols
But she'd never hear his howls.

Christmas Eve her parents were away
Getting high on divorce all the day.
But little Millie didn't know
She'd drunk her poison long ago.

That very night she told her girls
Of candy canes and diamond pearls.
And that she always wanted to be free
She'd run away as fast as one, two, three.

But little Millie didn't know
He could find her through her phone.

As she dreamt she heard a noise
Downstairs by all her dolltoys.

By the chimney was a man in red
The same man that had been in her head.
She told him she'd wear red lipstick
While he told her he was Saint Nick.

Giving him her sippy cup
Believing stories he made up.
Said he was there to 'save her life'
Behind his back he hid a knife.

As she screamed and cried and bawled
He decorated her on the walls.
Nobody knew, nobody cared
Too drunk to see the blood on the stairs.

The red clothed man still lives today
To seek out children and make them pay.
He has no reason, no remorse
But to kill you on Christmas Eve of course.

So if you find a candy cane hanging on the tree
Then run as fast as one, two, three.

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