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~At Heartfilia Palace~

It was around 6 a.m. a Monday morning. Virgo a maid with short pink hair was walking down the long hallway. She was heading towards Miss Lucy's room, in her arms was a beautiful light pink dress the Princess would be wearing for the day. Finally arriving at her door, she stood by to listen if the Princess has awoken on her own. Hearing no movement of any sort, she raise a hand and began knocking loud enough for the Princess to hear but not loud enough to disturb King Jude.

"Miss. Lucy, it's time to wake up" Virgo called out

"Uggh..." a groan was heard on the other side of the door

"Princess Lucy it's time for you to get ready" she grabbed the door handle, "Princess, I will now be entering to assist you with getting ready"

Virgo twisted the doorknob and opened the door quietly and slowly. She walked into the Princess room and walked over to a small couch at the end of her bed, setting the dress down. She walked over to the huge windows (type that reach the floor). She grabbed the curtains and pushed them open before opening the door to the balcony. Walking around the room she opened the other curtains to let the sun shine in. Lucy groaned and twisted in her big canopy princess bed. Lucy grabbed her covers and pulled them over her head.

"Virgo... close the curtains" she whinned

"Miss Lucy, you know you must get ready or your father won't be happy if you're late" the maid said, walking to Lucy's bedside

"What's going on today that I have to wake up early. If I clearly remember we have a two week break from private school due to a celebration of some sort" she said, hiding deeper into her warm sheets

"Exactly Princess, and King Jude said this was the perfect opportunity to meet a nice young fellow. So he has order for us to get you ready because you will be attending a royal meeting with him today at the company" Virgo walked into the bathroom to start a warm bath

"Wait... Who? Who is my father making me meet this time?" Lucy said, jolting up from under the blankets

"I believe a Sir Loki" Virgo began coming back into the room, "Loki from the Celestial kingdom"

Virgo was by her bed, with Lucy's black robe. Lucy got up from her bed, only wearing a black lace bra and underwear. She grabbed her robe from Virgo and put it on, tying the strip around her waist. She took her hair out from the hair bun from last night.

"Why him, Sir or Prince Loki is just a big flirt. I know him already. He may be the new kid at school but it's like if he has been there since I started. Everyone loves him and all the girls want to go out on dates with him.. He is Mr. Popular with his ginger hair and golden yellow eyes, tall and bla bla bla. I don't get why I have to go the meeting with father" she said, leaning against the bathroom door

"King Jude said it had to do with a merge for the company with the King of the Celestial Kingdom. It seems like they will be moving to Magnolia for a while and Sir Loki doesn't know his way around here. So I was told that you will be acting as his guide" Virgo said, finishing folding her blankets with tiny flower folded pattern in the corner (just the way she likes it since she was little)

"Are you serious!! I'm going to be with him all day. The only good thing about today is I finally will be able to see the outside world" Lucy slumped down against the wall

Virgo walked over to her picking her up from the floor, "Come along Princess, it's 6:30 and your father would like to see you before the meeting"

They walked into the huge bathroom. Lucy took off her robe and gave it to Virgo, while she undressed and climb into her hot tub-like bath (it's like the shower from the movie The Game Plan, if anyone has seen that movie with Madison and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson). In the middle was a square shaped bath that was at least 5 ft deep, stairs, water jets and above was a huge square making the water flow down as if it was a waterfall. Once the tub was filled she sat in one corner so Virgo can wash her hair with her Strawberry scent shampoo. Once that was done she would climb out and get her body scrub with peach vanilla scent body soap.

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