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3 months later

Even with Loki around Lucy still was closer to Gray. They are currently walked towards the park. If she was ever late home she would say she was with Prince Loki and he would always cover for her.

"So where are we going again?" Lucy asked

"To the park" she looked confused, "Have you not been to the park?" he asked

"I think when I was little because of my mom. After she died father stopped taking me places and I began my training to be the proper Princess"

"Wow... don't worry me and the gang will create new memories with you" he smiled

She was so happy that she hugged him tight before realizing what she did. She pulled back to have a bit pink on her cheeks as did he. As they arrived to the park, her eyes sparkled. It's been years since she has seen a place so beautiful at night.

"Come on" she yelled dragging him to the swings

He watched her run around filled with joy. He was dragged to the swings where she began swinging fast. He felt as she would fall so he stood in front of her swing ready for anything. At the last moment the swing went forward sending her flying towards him knocking him down in the process.

Her eyes widened when she noticed she was on top but not only that they were kissing.

"I'm... I-I'm so sorry" she stuttered

"It's fine. You're not hurt right?" he asked, sitting, she shook her head, "Good" he helped her up

He looked into her eyes and placed his hand on her cheek. Their faces grew closer and once again lips connecting once again. It was a sweet, passionate kiss. As they pulled apart they both had pink blush.

"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me" Gray said

"No it's fine... it's just that... thatwasmysecondkiss" she said, talking fast at the end


"That was my second kiss" she looked down

"Same here" he lifted her head by her chin

They sat down under a tree for while and just talked about random things

"Gray.. can I tell you something"


"Promise you won't tell anyone though" he nodded, "Remember when you asked why I came to Fairy Tail Academy. The truth is because I want to be free before..." she looked down

"Before what?"

"Before I'm married off to a stranger. I begged father to let me attend my last year of school there. I wanted to be free before getting married and being locked up in another palace"

"Your father is making you marry a stranger" he was shocked

"Yeah, he says it will be good for the company if we merge"

"Have you told him that you wish to be free"

"I would but he won't listen. He finally gave in to letting me attend Fairy Tail. If not I still be stuck in private school"

"I get that you're a princess but you should still have a choice"

"That's sweet of you to say. I think I should be going home, thank you" she kissed his cheek before running off to the limo

~at the palace~

"Welcome back sweetheart" her father called as she entered the palace

"Hello father"

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