#4 (part two)

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You siad part two so here's part two.
Stiles was punching the guy. The guy had blood gushing from his nose. You couldn't help but cry and fear the guy but watching how stiles was hitting that guy and yelling you feared him a little to. Scared but loudly you begged stiles to stop.
"Stiles stiles stop you gonna kill him." You cried seeing the guy almost unconshis.
"Stay out of it y/n." He demanded harshly.
You were startled by his outburst on you he's never demanded you like that before. The guys bloody and limb was slowly slipping away with every punch stiles threw at him.
"Stiles seirieous stop what are you doing your gonna kill him stop." You yelled walking towards him.
You placed your hand and his shoulders ready to try to pry him off the guy. Angrily stiles pushed you off harder than expected sending you falling onto you butt and sliding across the floor as he shouted.
"Shut up for God's sakes y/n I'll do what I fucking want."
Tears filled your eyes as your butt aced a little but mostly because stiles just pushed you onto the ground with alot of force and yelled at you not to mention swoar. You slowly got up whimpering slightly and ran out of the room not caring if he even felt bad wich from that outburst you were pretty sure he didnt. Bad memories filled your mind as you ran through the hallways crying and tears streaming down your face like a river. You made it to your room as you saw your past.
Your old boyfriend came over to your house drunk and angry. You lived alone seeing as your parents didn't like you much.
"Jon your drunk just go home." You told him eritated.
"What did you just say to me bitch." He snapped.
"Go home I'm not dealing with this tonight." You exclaimed scaredly.
"You better shut your fucking mouth you slut it's your shit that makes me this way." He yelled and striked you in the face.
You fell because of the force aplied to your face. Tears ran down your face as you felt the bruises already starting to form around your eye.
"Stand up bitch you had this coming." He siad pulling you up off the ground and hitting you repeatedly as you cried and screamed.
You put your back to the wall and slide down it. You pulled your k ees to your chest and put your head in your knees and cried. Then you heard running and your name being called by no other than stiles the one you thought you loved and loved you but know you just to scared of him to talk to him. You kept quite as he yelled your name desperately.
"Y/n y/n."
Suddenly there was footsteps and you heard his voice close.
"Y/n I'm so." He siad softly.
A hand touched your shoulder causeing you to jump and whimper and slide away. You opened you teat filled eyes and looked at stiles with nothing but fear. As you backed away and kept crying.
"Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't mean to push you down like that or yell at you ok I love you I wouldn't do that purposly you know that I was just angry as hell because he touched you and nobody can touch my girl and get away easily I love you y/n." I sighed sadly and explained trying to make you feel comfterble again. He scooted closer causeing you to scoot further away.
"Please y/n I'm sorry just please forgive me or just let me comfort you." He begged.
You noded sadly and he scooted closer till he was as close as possible and put his arm around you and pulled you into his chest letting you cry.

(So maybe this was crap I don't know but ah yeah hope you enjoyed it a little bit at least have a good day or night and bye.)

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