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Jenny's pov:

I was at school. Iv been hurting a lot lately so my mom was going to take me to the doctors to get checked up. Stiles smiled at me in the classroom. Hes my best friend and has been for years. I kinda like him and by kinda I mean I do a lot but he probably doesn't know that. And another thing I never told him a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I was OK till now its just getting worse but I'm pretty good at hiding it from people how much pain I'm truly in. Over the announcements they called my name.
"Jenny Johnson please come to the office."
Everyone turned to me. I packed up my stuff and rushed down to the office. I could feel stiles eyes staring at me as I left the classroom in a hurry. I made my way down the long stairs. I started coughing when I reached the landing of the stairs. I started coughing really bad. I covered my mouth with my hand and felt a warm runny substance in my hand. I took my hand away from my mouth to see my fresh dark red blood. I coughed more and fell to my knees coughing and couldn't stop. My lungs started to hurt from the coughing and lack of air I was getting. Then hands touched my shoulders and sombody knelt next to me.
"are you OK. " a voice asked.
I looked up to see my best friend stiles looking at me with sad eyes.
"yeah I'm fine i just have the flu I'll be fine I'm just going home." I reassured him.
"well can I stop by after school to make sure your okay. " he asked.
"sure and if I'm not home my brother will be and he'll let you in. " I smiled at him in pain.
"OK well I'll see you later then I got to get back to class. " he smiled at me.
I noded and he went back up to his class. I closed my eyes and hoped I was going to be OK and this would be to soon for the cancer to hurt me to bad or that this really was some sort of flu but I knew it was. I got up feeling like an elephant was sitting on top of my chest hard to breath and in lots of pain. I made my way down stairs coughing and hacking. I got to the office to see me mom standing there waiting for me.
"we hope you get well. " the lady's in the office said with sad expressions.
I noded saying thanks then me and my mom left then drove to the hospital. We got there and walked in. The smell of sanitary yet unsanitary air probably full of bacteria. We got to the counter.
"hi we have an opontment." my mom told the lady.
"name. " she said almost instantly.
I looked around at everybody who was staring at me and I could tell what they were thinking and I was thinking the same about them. What's wrong with them. I didn't pay attention to the rest of the conversation I was to busy guessing what was wrong with certain people. Some were clearly obvious but others not so clear. I hoped for them none of them had cancer like me I know how bad it hurts and sucks. My mom snapped me put of it to see my doctor. I noded and we started to head back to a room when I had another coughing attack. I fell to my knees as they grew weak and coughed straight into my hand. I pulled away to see more blood this time. I looked up at the doctor as she had a small smile on her face as she saw me looking at her but then when she saw my moms scared face it dropped into a frown of sadness. My mom looked as if she wanted to cry. The doctor lead us back to the room. She checked up on stuff and we went from room to room to room doing different tests. Finaly about three hours later all the tests were done and we were back in the original room.
"so miss Johnson Um bad news I'm afraid um so you do have lung cancer but it's a little more than just that as we ran the other tests we discovered a tumor on the left side of your brain I'm afraid you'll be staying here with us for awhile but other than look after you there's really nothing we can do I'm sorry. " she apologized.
My mom started to cry. I kept a straight face I wanted to cry a ton because i knew I was going to die. But I kept it together for my mom's sake. She cried and I held her.
"can I go home though." I asked the doctor.
"We would prefer you stay here so we can make sure your OK. " the doctor explained.
I noded at that sadly.
"what about keimo." my mom asked inbetween her sobs.
"I'm sorry shes to far into the cancer for keimo." the doctor apologized again.
I noded again. All my hope was gone and nothing was left but to sit here in the hospital and wait for death. They escorted me to one of the rooms with a bed. I laid down in the bed after sliding on the gown they gave me. I laid in the bed for awhile my mom cried. It was now ten a clock at night.
"mom go home you need the sleep I'll be fine I promise." I said with a smile at how much she cared.
"are you sure. " she asked again unsure.
I noded and we hugged goodbye. She left. I started to cry. About a half an hour of crying I was still crying when there was a knock on the door of my room. I whipped my now red and puffy eyes and said.
"come in. " to who I was guessing was a nurse.
Then the door opened and in walked no other than stiles. I hid my face quickly not wanting him to see i was crying. He seemed really upset.
"why didn't you tell me. " he asked.
"cause I didn't want you to get all upset with me it's bad enough my moms crying her eyes out because of this I needed someone to think happily and not to focus on how I was dieing I needed to have someone be happy." I explained sadly as a tear slid down my cheek.
He noticed that and walked closer to the bed. He sat on the bed next to me and then whipped his thumb on my cheek whipping away the single tear that escaped.
Then he noticed my swollen puffy red eyes.
"have you been crying." he asked.
"Um yeah I guess I have I know what a sissy right. " I smiled a bit.
"no not at all its not fair I understand how you feel. " he exclaimed sadly in a whisper.
"no you don't if you were to die today or soon at least you'd have someone that loves you I have nobody I'm gonna die alone completely and uderly alone." I began to cry.
"what are you talking about your not alone you have me." he explained upset staring at me.
I looked up at him with wide eyes and blurry vision.
"now's the best time as any Iv always liked you I thought you knew and it was clear but I guess not but know your not alone OK your never alone I'm here." he explained laying down next to me and holding me in his arms.
"thanks I needed that. " I thanked him happily staring into his beautiful eyes.
He closed his eyes and pushed his lips into mine. The. Pulled me into his chest.
"I love you. " he whispered.
"I love you to. " I whispered back before I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Sorry for the long time wait for an update I kinda have no idea what to write and didn't know what to write for this chapter either but yeah I hope your enjoying the book so far I'll try to update again if you have any ideas for topics or anything for next chapter please just let me know so that's it for now thank all of your for reading and voting and commenting byeee....

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