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Sorry before you read this it does deal with a serious topic so yeah enjoy

Y/ns pov:

You coughed and whipped the little bit of blood away from your mouth. You looked at the blood on your hand and the door to your room swung open. You swung your hand down and whipped it on your pants. I sighed as the love of your life smiled at you.
"Your mom said you were up in your room I got your text what do you need to talk about is everything ok." Stiles your boyfriend asked sitting on your bed next to you and placed his hand on yours and looked into you eyes. You looked into his and couldn't help but let a few tears slip from your eyes.
"N-no stiles everything is not ok i-i think we shouldn't be t-tigether anymore." You studerd.
He looked hurt by what you said.
"Y/n baby what are you talking about I thought we were ok I thought we were doing good what's the problem maybe I can fix it I'm sorry if I messed something up give me another chance." He asked tearing up.
"Stiles i-i I don't like you like that anymore it just isn't working out." You started to cry more.
"Y/n please what's going on you've been acting weird all week please tell me, talk to me I can help I can fix whatever is making you unhappy let me help just please don't do this I need you." He cried trying to grab your hand.
"Stiles stop I found someone else I just don't like you like that I'm happy with someone else I don't love you anymore and you should stop loving me to its just better this way." You yelled trying not to loose it.
"Y/n p." You cut him off.
"Stiles leave were done I can't do this anymore I don't love you anymore." You screamed pointing at the door.
He got up with a hurt expression and tears flooded from his eyes. He opened the door. Her turned back and looked at you.
"I'll wait for you to love me again because I'll never stop loving you goodbye y/n." He said leaving.
After he left the room you broke down. I cried and balled. Your stomach hurt so bad. You began to cough up more blood. You throat hurt your heart was broken. You held you stumach and cried. The door opened and your mom sat on the bed and cradled you. You cried and cried. She shushed you.
"I'm so proud of you baby your so brave." She began to cry slightly to.
You began to cough more blood. Your throat got tighter and tighter and stung bad. Then it happened. You couldn't breath. You chocked out for air but got nothing. You saw your mom with a scared expression and she began to cry. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number. You got light headed and dizzy. Your body hurt and stung. The worst feeling ever hit you everywhere all at once. You closed your eyes.

Stiles POV:

Its been a week since y/n broke up with me. I'll never look at a girl like I looked at her. I loved her I still love her. I'm not letting her go. I never will. I need her in my life. My phone rang it was a text from y/ns mom.
Y/ns mom__ at the hospital come quick.
I wondered why she would be there. I got up worried and myw heart began to race. I didn't bother getting in my car. With traffic I would get there faster on foot. I reached the hospital. I ran in fast to see her mom crying. Her eyes are red and puffy. I looked at her and walked over and hugged her. She shook as she cried.
"What's going on." I asked.
"She just wanted to make it so nobody else felt pain." She cried.
My heart almost stopped.
"I'm so sorry dear but she she had she had found out she got cancer and it was to Kate for kemo and she only had a couple weeks to live and she wanted to save you from the pain so she ended it she did what she thought was right and now she's she's she's dead but she said to tell you she loved you and it broke her heart to tell you what she did and how she cried none stop and she loved you till death and she will be watching over you and she wants you to be happy." Her mom explained crying.
My heart broke I began to cry. No this isn't real this is a joke I need to see her.
"What room." I asked.
She shook her head.
"Its to late but room 127." She cried even more.
I took off running ignoring the yells for me to stop and that I wasn't allowed back here. I ran to the room and stormed in. There on the bed layed a lifeless pale sick looking y/n. Tears flooded my eyes. I walked up to her and felt for a pulse. Her body was cold and there was no pulse. I began to cry. I hugged her dead body. I held it close for awhile. People were gonna take me away but then let me do whatever I wanted. I layed her back down and whispered.
"There is no happiness without you you were my true love I loved you so much why didn't you tell me I would have helped i could have been there for you I could have said goodbye I could have done somthing I love you so much baby and I'll never stop I'll see you again I promise goodbye y/n I love you I'm sorry I wasn't there." I whispered and kissed her for head.
I stood up and cried and whipped some tears away and sniffed. How can I go on without her.

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