Now what...

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In one instance, when P.E. finished, Nathan was told by the teacher to clean up the hall and had Rosie help him out. Rosie made him do everything, causing them to get locked in the storage room. He noticed her figure for first time. Indeed, Rosie Locket was a gorgeous girl.

Weeks passed as Nathan Silva's feelings for Rosie Locket slowly changed. 

He hated himself for fantasizing about the girl who made his life a living hell. 

He didn't understand why he found Rosie attractive. Not knowing how to deal with these new feelings he closed himself in a shell.

As he increasingly shut himself in, Locket's bullying increased, seemingly because of it.

It was night and Nathan Silva was in his bed pondering of what he was feeling and how he could approach the situation, the moon shown through the glass pane, as Nathan fell asleep.

Nathan opened his eyes and to his surprise he was still in class, while the rest of the class was vacant beside one individual, Locket stood their viewing the scenery through the window, to then notice Nathan awaken, she lodged the chair towards his desk she then laid her knees on the chair approaching Nathan, as an act of self-defence Nathan raises his hand; to then be struck down by hers. Locket leans forward having her left hand latch on to Nathan shoulder. Nathan stood their fazed at her beautiful figure, Locket tilts her head and dives straight toward Nathan as their lips entwine.

One day, Rosie was returning early from her school club feeling sickly. 

She didn't pay attention and crossed the red light obviously. 

She noticed a car driving directly towards her. She froze in place, closed her eyes, then felt a strong push across her body, throwing her off balance and causing temporary black out. 

Tire tracks were on the road, but it was too late. 

When Locket regained consciousness, she saw a young man lying on the road. 

Upon checking herself, other than few scratches and bruises, no serious wounds were apparent. Getting back on her feet, she walked slowly to the young man's inert body lying on the ground, to find out who pushed her away from the car. 

...It was Nathan Silva.

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